Кинжал во Тьме

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Кинжал во Тьме
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Кинжал во Тьме сценарий World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Хранитель истории Чо предоставил игрокам Альянса возможность пройти сценарий в Обновлении 5.2.



Помогите Вол'джину обнаружить и изучить таинственный источник магической силы… и защитите его от покушений на его жизнь.

Пещера, простирающаяся вдоль Сокрытой лестницы, хранит древнюю тайну могу, которая могла бы объяснить происхождение сауроков. Гаррош приказал Вол’джину, вождю троллей Черного Копья, отправиться туда и лично все осмотреть. Но Вол’джин не доверяет вождю и считает, что Гаррош явно что-то замышляет.

Вам придется разобраться, что к чему. Сопроводите Вол’джина вглубь пещеры и раскройте одну из древних тайн Пандарии. А еще вам нужно будет защитить Вол’джина от приспешников Гарроша, ведь опасное задание может оказаться лишь предлогом, чтобы избавиться от своенравного вождя троллей.[1]

If you run this as Alliance, Lorewalker Cho's Image will be present to explain why you are given a troll illusion, and that you are running the scenario as historical fact.

This is the tale of the Dagger in the Dark!
It was here that three bold adventurers saved Vol'jin, leader of the Horde's Darkspear trolls, from certain assassination.

Шептать Why do I look like a troll?

Ah, because you are an actor in this tale!
Much better than simply reading history from some musty old scroll, wouldn't you agree?
Now go forward, and learn!



Фаза 1: Миссия...

Поговорите с Вол'джином, чтобы приступить к поискам пещеры сауроков.
Vol'jin говорит: Everyone be here now. Let's get dis done wit.
Rak'gor Bloodrazor говорит: Proceed by foot. We'll circle around and look for another entrance.
Vol'jin говорит: As da Warchief commands...
Rak'gor and the Kor'kron fly off on wyverns.
Vol'jin говорит: I'm glad you here to watch me back. I don't like da look of Garrosh's goons.
Vol'jin говорит: Let's mount up and move out!
Grizzle Gearslip кричит: Hey - wait for me! I don't like goons, either.

Фаза 2: Мы едем!

Найдите вход в пещеру сауроков.
Vol'jin говорит: Scouts say dere's ancient magics in dese caves. Warchief wants 'em checked out.

Фаза 3: Стража!

Победите сауроков, охраняющих пещеру.
Vol'jin говорит: Dem Saurok be guardin de cave. Let's take care of 'em.
Defeat the Saurok Patrol.
Vol'jin говорит: Hold up - there's somethin' dere.
Vol'jin говорит: One a dem lizard-beasts. Fight on me bruddahs!
Defeat the Darkhatched Lizard-Lord.
The Darkhatched Lizard-Lord calls for help!

Фаза 4: В пещеру

Проникните вглубь пещеры.
Vol'jin говорит: Have you fought dese 'tings before?
Vol'jin говорит: It's like dey got weapons, but no brains.
Grizzle Gearslip говорит: We can take this boat inside. Just let me make a few modifications...
Grizzle Gearslip говорит: And...done! A self-propelled saurok slaying machine.
Vol'jin говорит: One of you man da guns, the rest on foot.
Vol'jin говорит: Kill anyting dat squirms!
The boat is now armed with a cannon. One player, Grizzle, and Vol'jin can man the boat to attack nearby mobs as the boat sails. Sometimes the boat will be halted by a Darkhatched Sorcerer.
A Darkhatched Sorcerer has put the boat into Stasis! Kill it to interrupt the spell.
Complete the boat ride.

Фаза 5: Происхождение

Найдите источник происхождения сауроков
Vol'jin кричит: Here! Stop da boat here.
Grizzle Gearslip кричит: Here, take this! It'll help you against any swarms.
Grizzle Gearslip говорит: I'll just ... be right here. Don't forget about me!
Find the Saurok Hatchery.

Фаза 6: Праматерь

Победите праматерь Ноши.
Vol'jin говорит: Dis be some kinda spawnin chamber.
Vol'jin говорит: ...And dat be one ugly mudder!
When Broodmaster Noshi is 20% Health, the roof starts to collapse and rocks fall from the sky. Stay under Vol'jin's Big Bad Voodoo magical dome to prevent from being hit.
Vol'jin кричит: Be careful! Da roof be comin' down!
After Broodmaster Noshi is slain:
Vol'jin говорит: Somethin unnatural about 'dese creatures.
Bloodrazor and the Kor'kron spawn at the pool's edge and run up.
Rak'gor Bloodrazor кричит: This is the chamber we're looking for.
Rak'gor Bloodrazor кричит: The Warchief has learned there's a connection between the Mogu and these creatures.
Rak'gor Bloodrazor кричит: Troll! You know all about this... voodoo. What can you find?
Vol'jin говорит: "Voodoo"
Vol'jin scoffs under his breath at the orc's blatant ignorance.

Фаза 7: Осмотр

Осмотрите статуи могу.
Vol'jin говорит: Watch me back while I investigate...
Investigate the West Statue.
The statue appears to be of an ancient Mogu emperor.
Investigate the East Statue.
It seems as though this cave used to contain powerful Mogu magic.

Фаза 8: Нападение!

Отразите кор'кронское нападение.
Vol'jin говорит: 'Dese "Mogu," dey workin' wicked dark magic here.
Vol'jin говорит: Da Saurok, 'dey not born - 'dey was created. Flesh shaped an' bent.
Vol'jin говорит: Dis be the blackest of magics, mon!
Rak'gor Bloodrazor говорит: Yes! The power to shape flesh, to build warriors. This is what the Warchief wants!
Bloodrazor walks towards Vol'jin.
Vol'jin говорит: Garrosh playing god? Making monsters? Dis ain't what da Horde is about!
Bloodrazor stops in front of Vol'jin.
Rak'gor Bloodrazor кричит: He knew you were a traitor!
Rak'gor Bloodrazor stabs Vol'jin in the neck.
Vol'jin falls to the ground.
Vol'jin говорит: H-help-
Rak'gor Bloodrazor кричит: The Warchief will annihilate his enemies!
Defeat Rak'gor Bloodrazor and the two Kor'kron.
Rak'gor Bloodrazor кричит: Hellscream... will find out...
Vol'jin говорит: Da... Warchief shows... his hand.
Vol'jin говорит: Dis be what da Horde come to? Killin' its own? We can't let dis happen.
Vol'jin говорит: Champions, I need ya.
Vol'jin говорит: Go back to da Warchief. Tell 'im I'm dead. Stay close to 'im. Watch 'im.
Vol'jin говорит: You an' me, we move to take 'im out when da time is right.
Vol'jin говорит: Others are like me. You gotta find 'em.
Vol'jin говорит: Swear da blood oath wit me.
Click on Vol'jin.
Vol'jin holds his hand out to you.

Шептать Swear the blood oath with Vol'jin

Vol'jin говорит: It be done. We bruddahs in dis. Until da end.
Vol'jin говорит: I gonna disappear for a while. [Gasps] Don't forget about me.




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