Род чёрных драконов

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Черная Стая Драконов
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Нейтральный, Враждебный
ПерсонажиScalebane, Ящерок
СтихияЗемля, Защита
Дыханиеогонь, магма
ЛидерСмертокрыл, Нефариан, Ониксия
ЯзыкДраконий, Общий
Вторичные языкиНекоторые говорят на других языках
МировоззрениеХаотический злой[1]; Всегда злой[2]

Хотя Стая Черных Драконов была почти уничтожена за прошлые века, некоторые из этих злых существ смогли укрыться в Степях. С их владыкой, Смертокрылом, который либо исчез, либо погиб, черные драконы пытаются захватить весь мир для себя. Они невообразимо сильны и подлы, и поистине любят только страдания живых. Стая черных драконов — враг любой другой стаи, особенно великой стаи Красных Драконов из Лордерона.


Члены стаи

Черная Стая включает как черных драконов, так и других черных драконоподобных существ, как дракообращенные и дракониды.


Черные драконы — огромные плотоядные существа. Они проводят большинство времени охотясь, одновременно наблюдая за войнами и битвами по всему миру, и часто их находят занятыми пытками узников, животных и вообще любого, что имело неосторожность попасть в их лапы. Аспект черной стаи, Смертокрыл, является одним из самых ужасных и наиболее злобных созданий, существовавших когда-либо. За всю свою жизнь он уничтожил несколько древних городов и поселений. Смертокрыл часто заключает сделки с разумными расами, меняя членов своей стаи на рабов или любых гуманоидов для пыток.

Мужские имена черных драконов часто заканчиваются на -он и женские — на -иа. Часто они основаны на синонимах к черному цвету, тьме, огню, или же модификации слов, лучше всего обозначающие особые способности существа.


Черные драконы были изначально хранителями земли, заботясь о камнях и горах, использующих их основные способности для поднятия и обрушения земной поверхности. Они должны были следить за миром Азерота и его изменением, а также сохранять границы между расами, что бы пресекать любые войны. Долгое время черные драконы жили в гармонии с другими расами, изменяя землю на лучшее. В те времена их лидером был Нельтарион, и его сила была несоизмерима.

Однако вскоре Нельтарион сошел с ума. И, как черные драконы последовали за ним в его безумие, так и их сила стала искажаться. Он опустил горы и разрушил земли, заставив прочие расы сражаться за каждый клочек земли. Они поменяли свои силы земли на силу огня и магмы. Их исскусством стало убийство, а целью — смерть. Остальные драконы Азерота начали атаковать стаю Смертокрыла при любом удачном случае.

В настоящее время черные драконы являются одними из самых злых и садистских существ во всем Азероте. Черные драконы — опасные, самовлюбленные существа, не волнующиеся даже о жизнях членов своей стаи и своих детях, часто убивая сородичей, чтобы возвыситься в стае. Перед исчезновением Смертокрыла черные драконы всегда хотели подражать своему темному повелителю. Желанием любого ящера было стать правой рукой падшего черного аспекта, или даже сместить его, мало заботясь о сородичах, попавшихся на этом пути. Сейчас их сообщество пребывает в состоянии гражданской войны. С потерей лидера, многие черные драконы хотят захватить власть в стае, однако более слабые готовы следовать за сильным только если это сулит им ощутимую выгоду, или же у них есть заклятые враги.


Предпочитаемые гуманоидные формы черных драконов — люди с черными волосами и темными глазами. Хотя они могут принимать и другие формы, люди часто были очень полезны. Могущественные и полуиндустриальные человеческие королевства могли достичь целей Смертокрыла намного быстрее и лучше, чем пассивные таурены, зацикленные на магии высшие эльфы или же копающиеся в норах дворфы. Люди также менее восприимчивы к присутствию драконов, нежели другие расы. Ночной эльф, например, может с легкостью определить в стоящем перед ним существе дракона. Известные черные драконы, имеющие человеческую форму, перечислены со своими настоящими именами и именами в человеческой форме. Исключений довольно мало: Леди Синестра, когда она играет роль посла в клане Драконьей Пасти, использует форму эльфа крови, и Чернокрылые Заклинатели в логове Черного Крыла тоже принимают форму эльфов.


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Black Dragon in Warcraft III

Выступление Стай

Удовлетворенные порядком в маленьком мире, Титаны окончили свою работу и приготовились покинуть Азерот. Однако перед этим они наказали величайшим творениям этого мира наблюдать за Азеротом. В те времена было огромное количество драконьих стай, среди которых выделялось пять, правивших своими собратьями. Эти пять стай и были выбраны Титанами для охраны созданного мира. Владыки Пантеона наделили лидеров стай частью своей мощи.

Каз'Горот, Титан-кузнец, создавший мир, дал часть своих сил могучему черному змею, Нельтариону. Доблестный Нельтарион, известный в последствии как Страж Земли, получил власть над землей и ее глубинами. Он был символом силы Азерота и самым ярым сторонником Алекстразы.

Война Древних

Черные драконы были однажды, как и их Аспект Нельтарион, стражами Азерота, живя в глубинах земли. Они изменяли поверхность, воднимая горы или создавая долины. Так они жили века, в мире и гармонии, работая вместе с другими стаями для защиты Азерота от любого вида разрушения.

Через время они услышали древних богов, особенно Нельтарион. Остальные Аспекты осудили глупость Нельтариона по отношению к Высокороженным калдореям. Высокорожденные открыли портал для Пылающего Легиона, и демоны начали вторжение в Азерот. Нельтарион, потеряв все святое, создал устройство, Душу Дракона, известное потом как Душа Демона, взяв частицу силы от каждого из родов драконов, однако, не добавив своей, что осталось в тайне. Он убедил остальных Аспектовв том, что устройство требуется для борьбы с демонами, однако на самом деле он хотел захватить весь мир, и править вместе со своей черной стаей вечность. Предательство черных стало явным, когда Нельтарион использовал устройство против ночных эльфов и их союзников, в том числе и драконов, практически стерев их существование во времени. Смертные смогли окончательно уничтожить Легион, однако мир раскололся.

После Раскола

The ensuing civil war between the black dragonflight and the other flights decimated the species, with all flights losing members, some more than others. The dragonflights hunted the blacks to the brink of extinction. Deathwing's remaining consorts were slain, by his own recklessness, in the first few days of the war. Ultimately the blacks were nearly wiped out, though the other flights never truly recovered from those dark times and were never again seen in the same numbers as before. The Age of the Dragons had passed.

Immediately after the sundering, to ensure Deathwing would never hold power over dragonkind again, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu placed an enchantment upon the Demon Soul, so that no dragon, including Deathwing, could wield it, and hid the foul disc deep beneath the earth.[3]

After having wiped out nearly every member of the flight, the black dragons were not ready to leave the last few blues in peace. The survivors of the blue dragonflight fled to Northrend, then Deathwing attacked the blue dragons, slaughtering them by the dozens. The survivors fought back but were no match for Deathwing's ferocity. In the process their homes were destroyed and the land so damaged it could never recover. That area became the Dragonblight.[4] Over what is now Crystalsong Forest another battle between the blacks and blues was waged, and many blue dragons died. Their magic released into the air and settled as glittering light on the ground and the rocks and the trees. Finally an elder blue dragon, beset by many blacks, unleashed a powerful spell to strip the life from his attackers and turn them to stone. The loose magic altered and amplified the spell, spreading it across the entire region and changing soil and stone and wood and flesh into living crystal.[5]

One particular brood of Ysera's were closely allied with the night elves of the Azuremyst Isles, whom were ruled by Prince Toreth. Ysera kindly allowed the night elves to ride her children into battle and they were known as the Dragon Riders of Loreth'Aran. Ysera's benevolence raised the ire of Deathwing and he launched an attack against Wyrmscar Island where the dragonriders slept. The blacks, including Razormaw, a lieutenant of Deathwing, mercilessly slaughtered the Kaldorei. The greens rose up to protect their allies but were unsuccessful. Not one was spared, though many blacks, including Razormaw, also perished in the battle. The skeletons and spirits of the murdered greens still litter the small island. Razormaw's hatred for the greens was so great that his restless spirit remained soaring high overhead, forever haunting the island.

In the early years following the sundering, is said that Deathwing's black flight attempted to subjugate the bronze dragons. The assault was unsuccessful, primarily because the bronze dragons did not stay and fight as expected. His command of time offering insight into the blacks' plans, Nozdormu alerted his flight of the danger. The bronze dragonflight scattered to the four corners of the globe, where they continued to monitor events.[6]

Вторая Война

During the Second War Deathwing saw his opportunity to decimate Alexstrasza and her flight. Deathwing was unable to wield the Demon Soul himself,[3] but it could be placed in the hands of a being that would use it against his enemies.[7] Deathwing sent visions of the artifact to the chieftain of the Dragonmaw Clan, a shaman named Zuluhed the Whacked, who claimed the disc for the Horde. The device was given to his lieutenant, the warlock Nekros Skullcrusher, whose magic the disk eagerly reciprocated, and was used to enslave Alexstrasza and most of her flight, turning them into the Horde's hounds of war.[8]

За Темным Порталом

During the orc's second intrusion into Azeroth, the black dragonflight briefly joined the Horde. Seeking magical artifacts, Ner'zhul had sent a party under Teron Gorefiend to Blackrock Spire to bring the Blackrock clan back into the fold and acquire their red dragons. Rend refused and Teron left defeated, but they were soon approached by Deathwing. Deathwing presented the Death Knight with an offer. He would lend his and his children aid to the Horde, in return for safe passage of his flight and his eggs to Draenor. Gorefiend accepted and the black aspect summoned his flight to him. Before departing Deathwing spoke with Nefarian and Onyxia, asking them to remain on Azeroth and take command of the orcs left within the spire.[9] The remaining members of the black dragonflight, led by Deathwing and his lieutenant Sabellian, allowed the orcs to ride upon them in order to retrieve the needed artifacts.

Ner'zhul quickly pulled the Horde back to Draenor. The black dragons, taking special care of the eggs, crossed through the Dark Portal. Deathwing spoke with Ner'zhul, bidding his farewell and taking The Skull of Gul'dan. A few blacks stayed with the Horde at Hellfire Citadel, but the bulk of the flight settled within the valleys of the Blade's Edge Mountains, where they could tend to the delicate eggs. Their presence there was not welcome by Gruul, father of the Gronn and ruler of the Ogres. Gruul and his subjects, assisted by members of the Alliance Expedition sent to recover the skull, attacked drake and egg alike. Deathwing was outraged by the destruction of his precious eggs and fought back, only to be driven off by a strategic spell from Khadgar. Sabellian managed to escape as well. The remaining black dragons, now leaderless, quickly fell to the fury of Gruul's children, crushed and impladed upon the mountain's spires.[10]

Not long after, Ner'zhul's portals began to tear Draenor apart, and soon the planet was going through its death throes. Deathwing quickly escaped back to Azeroth, abandoning his remaining progeny on the doomed world. Then the cataclysm came and Draenor was shattered, only what would become known as Outland remained. Many of the black dragon eggs were exposed to the twisting nether and the dragons that emerged were no longer truly members of the black flight. These ethereal dragons would come to be known as the Nether Dragons.

День Дракона

The blacks were nearly extinct and their master, Deathwing, was believed to have been brought down in battle against the Kirin Tor.[11][12] Secretly he had assumed the guise of Lord Daval Prestor and sought a way to rebuild his flight. He devised a plan to steal the eggs of his greatest foe, Alexstrasza, who was still enslaved by the Dragonmaw. Not wanting to possibly damage the eggs by directly assaulting Grim Batol, he sought a way to force the orcs into bringing the eggs out into the open where he could more easily steal them. He fooled Nekros into believing the Alliance planned on invading the mountain fortress and the warlock ordered to have Alexstrasza, Tyranastrasz, and her eggs moved out of the mountain and towards Dun Algaz where the bulk of the Dragonmaw Clan was stationed preparing for war. Deathwing assaulted the caravan and began to steal the eggs, but then his plan went awry and the Demon Soul was destroyed in the battle now known as The Battle of Grim Batol. With their powers returned to them, Alexstrasza and the other aspects, who had shown up in order to save the Dragonqueen, chased Deathwing off, and he hasn't been seen since. The eggs were quickly recovered afterwards.[13]

Третья Война

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Like the other dragonflights, the black dragonflight did not play any significant role in the events of the Third War. Arthas Menethil, then prince of Lordaeron, did however assist a group of dwarven dragon hunters track down and slay the black drake Searinox. Malfurion Stormrage also encountered a small group of black whelps and drakes hiding in the Barrow Deeps, and was quick to dispatch the vile beasts.

Текущая активность

The remaining black dragons are now in a state of civil war, fighting over who will rule the flight. Recently Nefarian and Onyxia managed to take control over a large portion of the flight, and the two plotted on how to scour Azeroth of the mortal races and other dragonflights. Following their defeat, their mother Sintharia, took up her son's failed experiments before being defeated herself. Their experiments were not in vain however, as the patriarch of the flight, Deathwing, has continued on with their work.

В World of Warcraft

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Black dragonkin in the Burning Steppes

Onyxia's brood resides in Dustwallow Marsh, however the broodmother herself is often gone. Onyxia has disguised herself as a noble of Stormwind (much like her father once did within Lordaeron), influencing the child king Anduin Wrynn, and interfering with the armies of Stormwind from being used for their intended purposes, including protecting the Alliance lands from the orcish armies of her brother Nefarian. Her true identity has been discovered by Marshal Reginald Windsor, whom unfortunately for the Alliance, has been captured by the Dark Iron dwarves of Shadowforge in Blackrock Depths.

Nefarian also wears a human guise, Victor Nefarius, and has taken control of Blackrock Spire and the Dark Horde barricaded inside under Rend Blackhand. They constantly fight the Dark Iron dwarves of Shadowforge and their fiery master, Ragnaros, that reside in the depths of the volcano. Nefarian and his brood are at work creating a Chromatic dragonflight with the powers of all the flights to release on the fire elementals and eventually the races of Azeroth.[14]In order to do so they have began striking out againt the other flights, kidnapping whelps, such as the Blue whelps of Mazthoril, to be used in their experiments. Black dragon servants of Nefarian can be found as far north as the Badlands and all the way south to the Redridge Mountains, most often making their home in the Burning Steppes, but the most powerful are located inside the spire. Blackwing Lair, Nefarian's laboratory and seat of power, is filled with the mightiest servants of Deathwing's protégé, including elite orcs, mad goblins, various dragonkin, and members of the new chromatic dragonflight.

Пылающий Крестовый поход

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A number of black dragons abandonded on Outland still reside in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Many of the dragons met their end at the hands of Gruul the Dragonkiller and his sons, and can be seen impaled on the rocky spires at Dragons' End. The black dragon Sabellian seeks revenge for the death of his children. The blacks here are revered by a mortal organization known as the Wyrmcult. They are led by the Drakonid Maxnar the Ashmaw, operating from Blackwing Coven in Raven's Wood.

Overlord Mor'ghor, servant of Illidan Stormrage on Netherwing Ledge, has recently been approached by an emissary from the black flight, Lady Sinestra. Sinestra claims their master (Deathwing) is alive and well and is interested in recovering the Nether Dragons Mor'ghor has been grooming for Illidan, as they are the black aspect's progeny. Mor'ghor, once an unwitting servant of Deathwing, quickly agrees.

Ярость Короля Лича

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The blue dragonflight, in their militaristic campaign, have laid siege to Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragonblight. The remaining dragonflights have formed the Wyrmrest Accord, an alliance defending the temple against the blue flight. The black dragonflight has sent Nalice as an ambassador. Recently the undead Scourge has laid siege to the surrounding five dragonshrines in an effort to raise terrifying new variations of undead dragons. Nalice sends adventurers to Serinar at the Obsidian Dragonshrine to fight off the forces of the Lich King.

Some time after the Nexus War, a powerful war party of the black dragonflight, led by the fearsome Twilight dragon, Halion, have launched an assault upon the Ruby Sanctum beneath Wyrmrest Temple. By destroying the sanctum, the Black Dragonflight look to crush those that would stand in the way of their master’s reemergence into Azeroth and to ultimately shatter the Wyrmrest Accord.


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Deathwing will finally return in World of Warcraft's third expansion, Cataclysm, as the main antagonist. He will begin to set events into motion that will re-shape the face of Azeroth itself. The black dragonflight will most likely assist with their master's plans.

Известные представители рода

Name Role Type Condition
ИконкаМаленькая Смертокрыл.gif Смертокрыл Лидер черной стаи. Благословленный Титанами как Аспект земли и нареченный Землезащитником. Раньше звался Нельтарионом. Излечивается в Deepholm. Аспект Жив
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Blackscale Patrols outside the Blackwing Coven in Raven's Wood in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Дракон Убиваем
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Ярокрыл Perches at the Crystal Spine in the Blade's Edge Mountains, usually patrolling high overhead, landing only to defend her clutch of eggs. Дракон Убиваем
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Гематион Patrols the Vortex Pinnacle in the Blade's Edge Mountains on foot. Дракон Убиваем
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Инсидион Perches at the Crystal Spine in the Blade's Edge Mountains, usually patrolling high overhead, landing only to defend his clutch of eggs. Дракон Убиваем
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Нелис Black dragonflight ambassador to the Wyrmrest Accord in Wyrmrest Temple. Sends adventurers to speak with Serinar. Дракон Жив
IconSmall Nefarian.gif Нефариан Son of Deathwing. Lord of Blackrock. Ruled the black dragonflight and the Dark Horde via puppet Warchief Rend as Victor Nefarius. Slain by brave fighters. Dragon Killable-Deceased
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Нигил Banished to the Nether. Seeks escape and control of Draenor. Released and rebanished at Singing Ridge in Blade's Edge Mountains. Dragon Alive
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Обсидия Perches at the Vortex Pinnacle in the Blade's Edge Mountains, usually patrolling high overhead, landing only to defend her clutch of eggs. Dragon Killable
IconSmall Onyxia.gif Ониксия Daughter of Deathwing. Black dragonflight Broodmother. Lair found in Wyrmbog. Controlled Stormwind as Katrana Prestor until defeated by Varian Wrynn. Dragon Killable-Deceased
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Остропасть Lieutenant of Deathwing. Led an attack against the Dragon Riders of Loreth'Aran on Wyrmscar Island. Perished in battle but his spirit still haunts the isle. Dragon Undead-Killable
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Тенескол Perches at the Vortex Pinnacle in the Blade's Edge Mountains, usually patrolling high overhead, landing only to defend his clutch of eggs. Dragon Killable
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Сабеллиан Son and lieutenant of Deathwing. Seeks revenge on Gruul and sons for his children's deaths. Found at Blade's Edge Arena in guise of Baron Sablemane. Dragon Alive
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Сартарион The Onyx Guardian. Can be found inside the Obsidian Sanctum in the Chamber of Aspects. Dragon Killable
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Серинар Dragon whose traveled to the Obsidian Dragonshrine to prevent the Cult of the Damned from raising magmawyrms. Dragon Alive
IconSmall Onyxia.gif Синтария Former Prime Consort of Deathwing, who changed her name to Sinestra. Created the Twilight dragonflight, the first of whom, Dargonax, killed her. Dragon Deceased
IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Вел'Кур Spawn of Deathwing defeated by Teron Gorefiend. Roosted on what is now Netherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley where his spirit remains. Dragon Undead-Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Черноплеть Former lieutenant of Deathwing. Imprisoned with his twin Hematus in Lethlor Ravine in the Badlands. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Бримгор Drake sometimes found patrolling the area of the Dragonmurk in Dustwallow Marsh. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Черноскал One of three powerful drakes who guard Nefarian's inner sanctum. Found just past the laboratories inside Blackwing Lair. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Янтрабор An ancient black drake. Trains the dragonspawn who would become Onyxia's elite guards. Located in his den in the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Огнепасть One of three powerful drakes who guard Nefarian's inner sanctum. Patrols the laboratories inside Blackwing Lair. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Огнегор One of three powerful drakes who guard Nefarian's inner sanctum. Found just past the laboratories inside Blackwing Lair. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Гематос Drake that occasionally patrols the area of the Draco'dar in the Burning Steppes. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Гематус Former lieutenant of Deathwing. Imprisoned with his twin Blacklash in Lethlor Ravine in the Badlands. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Каларан Drake in the service of Nefarian. Uses the guise, Kalaran Windblade, to lure adventurers to assist him against the Dark Iron Dwarves of the Searing Gorge. Drake Alive
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Савиана Огненная Пропасть Drake of the black dragonflight war party that invades the Ruby Sanctum in preparation of their master's rememergence. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Сиринокс Drake who made his home near Strahnbrad. Was killed by Prince Arthas for the dwarven hunter Feranor Steeltoe. Drake Deceased
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Гарекрыл Drake in the service of Onyxia. Responds to the challenge outside Onyxia's Lair to the black dragonflight by the Stonemaul Ogre Brogg. Drake Killable
IconSmall DrakeBlack.gif Теремус Drake known as the Devourer. Patrols the Blasted Lands. Carries a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere. Drake Killable
IconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Синдж Whelp companion to the Blackrock Warlord Gath'Ilzogg. Located beside his master in Stonewatch Keep in the Redridge Mountains. Whelp Killable
IconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Snarlflare Whelp occasionally found roaming outside Alther's Mill in the Redridge Mountains. Whelp Killable
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Кирус Therepentous Dragonspawn sound in Slither Rock in the Burning Steppes. Sends adventurers to Blackrock Depths to slay Bael'Gar and retrieve his fiery essence. Dragonspawn Alive
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Дракиссат General of Nefarian's dragonspawn armies. Rules from Blackrock Spire. Guards the Orb granting access to Nefarian's sanctum. Dragonspawn Killable
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Гамарахк The Blacklord. A winged dragonspawn of the black dragonflight Dragonspawn Unknown
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Мадагган Dragonspawn leader of Dustwallow Marsh who seeks to drive the Alliance out of the marsh. Dragonspawn Alive
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Razorgore Known as the Untamed. Powerful rogue dragonspawn under the control of Grethok the Controller in Nefarian's sanctum of Blackwing Lair. Dragonspawn Killable
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Шалрат Wyrmkin daughter of Madaggan. Plays a role assisting Theramore defectors as part of her father's schemes. Dragonspawn Killable
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Солакар Flamewreath Dragonspawn located inside Blackrock Spire. Guards The Rookery where the eggs of the black flight are kept. Dragonspawn Killable
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Дракогалак Subordinate of General Drakkisath. Overlord and Taskmaster of Hordemar in Lower Blackrock Spire inside Blackrock Mountain. Dragonspawn Killable
IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Заритриан Dragonspawn General of the black dragonflight war party that invades the Ruby Sanctum in preparation of their master's rememergence. Dragonspawn Killable
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Бальтарус The Warborn. Drakonid of the black dragonflight war party that invades the Ruby Sanctum in preparation of their master's rememergence. Drakonid Killable
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Плетедерж Drakonid in the service of Nefarian. Guards the Halls of Strife, blocking the way into Nefarian's inner sanctum. Drakonid Killable
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Макснар Known as the Ashmaw. Patriarch of the Blackwing Wyrmcult in the Blackwing Coven in Raven's Wood in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Drakonid Killable
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Ор'каос Known as the Insane. Inhabits a small island off Netherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley. Drakonid Killable
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Раск Servant of Sinestra during her occupation of Grim Batol. Killed by Rom during the Dargonax incident. Drakonid Deceased
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Вальталак Lord drakonid killed by the Veiled Blade, in turn killed by his agents. Amulet split in three and must be rejoined to summon him in Upper Blackrock Spire. Drakonid Исчез-Killable


One of the realms in World of Warcraft is named after the black dragonflight. Server:Black Dragonflight



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