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(Перенаправлено с Priest)
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Нет специализации Свет (лекарь)
Нет специализации Тьма (боец дальнего боя)
Ресурс(ы)Мана, Сферы тьмы
Основная характеристикаИнтеллект
Владение оружиемПосох, Кинжал, Жезл, Одноручное Дробящее
Тип брониТкань
СпособностиИсповедь, Духовное рвение, Левитация, [Слово Силы: Щит], Ментальный крик, Облик Тьмы
Классы Воин Друид Жрец Маг Монах Охотник Паладин Разбойник Рыцарь смерти Чернокнижник Шаман
Расы класса Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Способности Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Наставники Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Таланты Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Символы Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Билды Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Комплекты брони Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Начиная играть... Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
PvE Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
PvP Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Макросы Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша

Жрец — это мастер лечения и сохранения жизни, который может затягивать раны союзников, защищать их в бою и даже воскрешать погибших товарищей. Хотя большинство способностей жреца рассчитаны на исцеление и нанесение положительных эффектов на союзников, он также может нанести серьезный урон своим врагам, используя великую мощь Света Небес или разрушительную мощь Тьмы. Жрец является разнообразным и мощным классом, выполняющим несколько ролей, который желателен в любой группе.

Жрец может задействовать мощную целительную магию, чтобы спасти себя и своих спутников. Ему подвластны и сильные атакующие заклинания, но физическая слабость и отсутствие прочных доспехов заставляют жреца бояться сближения с противником. Опытные жрецы используют боевые и контролирующие способности, не допуская гибели членов отряда.

Discipline and Holy priests are powerful and versatile healers with a range of tools for supporting their allies, while Shadow priests use dark and sinister magic to deal crippling damage to their foes. Priests' ability to heal and buff allies, avoid aggro, dispel buffs on enemies, dispel debuffs on their allies, and resurrect fallen comrades makes them an important member of any group, whether it's PvP or PvE.


Обзор класса

Жрецы посвящают себя духовной жизни и доказывают крепость веры, служа своему народу. Тысячелетия назад они покинули покой храмов и уют святилищ, чтобы поддержать своих друзей на полях боя. В разгаре сражения ни один герой не усомнится в приказах жреца.

Эти умелые целители помогают бойцам превзойти собственные способности, благословляя их и восстанавливая их силы. Жрецы распоряжаются божественными силами, которые также можно обратить и против врага, поразив его священной яростью.

Как свет не может существовать без тьмы, а тьма без света, так и некоторые жрецы обращаются к тени, чтобы лучше понимать свои способности, равно как и способности своих противников.[1]


The RPG Icon 16x36.png Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную для Warcraft RPG информацию, которая не считается канонической.

Priests practice a complex, organized form of spirituality built around moral philosophy, the worship of a particular deity (such as Elune) in some cases, and/or idol worship, rather than around the reverence of the elements that shamans practice, or the close divine connection with animals and the wilderness that druids maintain. Priests serve not only as influential religious figures in their respective societies, but also as powerful practitioners of divine magic, which they use to heal and protect, or harm and weaken.

Devotion to the faiths of Azeroth leads many priests to the paths of courage and heroism. In dark times, priests carry the Light of faith with them as a reminder of the powerful forces at work beyond the comprehension of the peoples who walk the land. Powerful healers with an intimate connection to the divine, priests are empowered with abilities that aid them in times of dire need.[2]

Priests comprise quite a varied group in Azeroth. A female priest is called a "priestess". Many are followers, in some manner, of the Holy Light. Some priests choose to be pyremasters or High Priest, while some of the most experienced become epic priests. There are also racial restrictions to some titles, such as witch doctor for trolls and Priestess of the Moon for night elf females.


The Clerics of Northshire were human priests who served the kingdom of Stormwind during the First War. The clerics served as healers on the battlefield, but were ill-prepared for the hazards of combat, and thus suffered heavy casualties. This order was largely destroyed, and the Second War saw fragile priests replaced on the battlefield by armored paladins, the Knights of the Silver Hand — established by the clerics' leader Archbishop Alonsus Faol and his apprentice Uther the Lightbringer.

Жрецы людей

Основная статья: Церковь Света

While the draenei were the first known physical race to be associated with the forces of "The Light", humans were the first to discover The Holy Light on Azeroth, and were responsible for passing on the religion to other races, most notably the high elves and dwarves. Humans build mighty churches and cathedrals as places of worship and teaching of the Light. The religion teaches its followers to be virtuous in life, and while the religion is more philosophical than theistic, its practitioners do believe their devotion connects them to a greater and mysterious force in the universe. There is mention in older lore that divine beings known as "hope" guide The Light's worshipers with an unseen hand. Humans have produced great priests who have healed their allies or have used the powers of the Light to purge their enemies.

Жрецы Отрекшихся

Forsaken who once followed the tenets of the Holy Light altered their philosophy upon their transformation. Forsaken have abandoned religion, just as they believe it abandoned them. Lost and hurt, these priests founded a new religion based on a self-centered version of their former faith. Dubbed the Forgotten Shadow, this philosophy centers around self-empowerment and a desire to balance life with death. While they can no longer use the Holy Light, and have since learned how to use the shadow; the priests teach that there must be a balance between light and shadow, and members must learn the Light as well, but never forget they were born from the shadow.

Жрецы троллей

The troll priesthoods are, much like the shamans and the witch doctors of the various troll tribes, spiritual advisers and caretakers. With trolls being naturally superstitious and spiritual, it allows the various troll priests to manipulate the spiritual energy of the world in order to either heal or harm their targets. The various energies that the troll priests draw can come from various sources, be it Loa spirits, voodoo magic or the target itself. Drawing upon these energies, the troll priests either mend or harm, depending on which blessing the spiritual entity bestows. Arguably, in World of Warcraft, troll priests can be considered witch doctors in a cultural perspective, in equal terms with the shamans.

Жрецы тауренов

With the arrival of Cataclysm priests are now a playable class for the tauren. These priests are known as "seers" and use the power of An'she, the sun, in their spells just as tauren paladins, named the Sunwalkers, do. This is similar to how night elven priests use the power of the moon through their goddess, Elune, instead of through the Holy Light. There have been tauren seers before the arrival of the Cataclysm, but their path has now either been enhanced with new magic or revitalised by new blood. Tahu Sagewind has become the leading tauren priest.

Жрецы гномов

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The gnomes have had an interest in the Light since they joined the Alliance, but they were so focused on technology and, later, the retaking of Gnomeregan that studying the Light didn't feel necessary to them; the dwarven priests and paladins of Ironforge served as the only connection to the Light they needed. Now that the gnomes have reclaimed a foothold in Gnomeregan and begun rebuilding their culture outside of Ironforge, however, they've recognized the importance of having followers of the Light in their own ranks. In addition, researching new methods of purifying irradiated gnomes has led to radical advances in Light-based technology![3]

Notably, following the examples prior to Cataclysm, gnome priests seem to focus heavily on the divine's ability of healing, though more with the intention of practicing medicine rather than sorcery. Their usage of it is actually very similar to first aid, and gnome priests refer to themselves as doctors, medics, and surgeons[4][5]. As a result, although not confirmed, it is likely that they pay less attention to a priest's capability to control darker powers.

Известные жрецы

Основная статья: Список жрецов
Имя Роль Статус Местоположение
АльянсIconSmall Anduin.gif Андуин Ринн Принц Штормграда Жив Крепость Штормграда,Штормград
АльянсHuman male Архиепископ Алонсус Фаол Бывший лидер Церкви Света Умер Faol's Rest, Тирисфальские леса
НейтральнаяHuman male Архиепископ Бенедикт Бывший лидер Церкви Света; Сумеречный Отец Убит Душа Дракона
ОрдаTroll male Забра Хекс Жрец Жив Неизвестно
НейтральнаяIconSmall Iridi.gif Ириди Жрица Deceased Buried in Outland
АлдорыDraenei female Верховная жрица Ишана Лидер Алдоров Жива Храм Вечного Света, Шаттрат
ОрдаTroll male Сен'джин Бывший лидер племени Черного Копья Погиб Неизвестно
АльянсIconSmall Velen.gif Велен Дренейский Пророк Жив Чертог Света, Экзодар
АльянсIconSmall Tyrande.gif Тиранда Шелест Ветра Верховная жрица Элуны, Соправитель ночных эльфов Жива Храм луны, Дарнас


Aelthalyste resides in the War Quarter of Undercity ready to train priests of all capabilities.


Для полного списка способностей жреца, см. Способности жреца.

Priests bring a wide range of abilities to any party. Depending on their spec, priests may specialize in healing and protecting their allies, or dealing powerful shadow damage to their enemies. However, a priest's capabilities extend far beyond these roles. Priests can buff their allies' stamina, ward against fear, restore mana to their party and even dispel magical debuffs and diseases from their allies. They can terrify, silence and horrify enemies, and remove some of their most powerful buffs and immunities. They can defer aggro, grant substantial speed buffs to their allies and even pull heedless teammates out of the fire. Priests' innate power in manipulating others can allow them to see through the eyes of a distant target, or even dominate an opponent's mind, turning a foe into a friend, or sending them to their death at the bottom of a precipice.


Priests have a range of healing abilities. Discipline and Holy priests are natural masters of healing and protection, and have additional capabilities in these areas, with spells ranging from direct heals and heal over time effects to AoE abilities and on-damage procs. Atonement also allows Discipline priests to heal through dealing damage, with the added bonus of generating Evangelism stacks for use with Archangel. While Shadow priests excel at wreaking havoc, they can still provide significant healing should the need arise, with Glyph of Dark Binding providing a loophole from their shadowy division from the Light, and can contribute passive healing to their group through Vampiric Embrace.

Смягчение урона

As well as an array of healing options, priests can choose to shield their allies from damage. This pre-emptive approach to damage prevention allows for rapid and lifesaving intervention, but can require skill to correctly anticipate incoming damage. Power Word: Shield is the priest's signature shield, absorbing attacks directed at the target and preventing pushback. While all priests are capable of shielding themselves and their allies, Discipline priests are the masters of damage absorption, gaining mana and haste from shielding through Rapture and Borrowed Time. Discipline priests can also protect their allies with Power Word: Barrier and Spirit Shell, as well as effortlessly generating shields through Divine Aegis. Each spec also has a powerful damage-reduction cooldown, from the direct avoidance of Pain Suppression and Dispersion to the self-sacrifing grace of Guardian Spirit. Glyph of Fade and Inner Fire also offer limited mitigation for the priest.

Нанесение урона

Priests have access to two schools of magic - Holy and Shadow - and can deal substantial amounts of damage from either. Priests have a number of direct damage options, as well as a few DoTs and specialties. Shadow priests are without doubt the most damage-oriented of priests, but Discipline priests with Atonement come a respectable second. Even healing priests can contribute some damage by summoning their temporary pet - the Shadowfiend or Mindbender - to attack enemies. Priests with Glyph of Reflective Shield can also use Power Word: Shield to reflect damage back upon their attackers.


As well as their obvious capabilities in healing and dealing damage, priests also have access to a range of utility spells, many of which are unique to the priest class. Abilities such as Levitate, Mind Vision and Dominate Mind can make the priest class fun to play, but are also capable of providing game-changing advantages if used correctly. Priests can also restore mana to their allies with Hymn of Hope and evade aggro with Fade, as well as buffing their allies with Power Word: Fortitude and providing limited fear protection with Fear Ward. Priests can also cast Leap of Faith to pull other players to the priest and possibly save them from death.


Priests are significantly capable dispellers. They can strip magical buffs and even immunities from their enemies with Dispel Magic and Mass Dispel, while Discipline and Holy priests can also Purify their allies of magic and disease effects. Discipline and Holy priests can generally consider dispelling to be their most important duty after healing, while Shadow priests are also capable of contributing if necessary.

Контроль толпы и мобильность

Priests have a range of abilities to aid in escaping and incapacitating their attackers. Body and Soul, Angelic Feather and Glyph of Levitate provide speed boosts for the priest or their allies, while Psychic Scream and Psyfiend provide excellent fear effects. Phantasm and Shadow priests' Dispersion can be used to slip out of roots and snares, while Spectral Guise allows for a different type of evasion, and Void Tendrils can keep opponents distracted for long enough for the priest to slip away or finish the job.

Shadow priests have the most crowd control abilities, with Silence and Psychic Horror being particularly useful against casters and melee types, respectively, Mind Flay providing a 50% snare, and Glyph of Mind Blast offering an on-crit root effect. Priests can also offer sustainable crowd control on undead targets with Shackle Undead, while Holy priests can disorientate and interrupt opponents with Holy Word: Chastise. Priests can also take control of other players or creatures temporarily by using Dominate Mind.

Характеристики, оружие и броня


Основная статья: Расы жреца

All races except Orcs can play as priests. Priests start with the following attributes: Шаблон:Priest attributes


For a full list of specialization abilities, see Priest abilities

There are three priest specializations: Discipline, Holy and Shadow. Discipline and Holy priests are powerful healers, with the former specializing in damage mitigation (with a side-line in healing through damage-dealing), and the latter excelling in sheer healing power, as well as a versatile range of healing options. Shadow priests are ranged DPS that assault their opponents' minds with shadowy magic, specializing in sinister damage over time effects and crowd control. While all priests can use Dispel Magic and the potent Mass Dispel, Discipline and Holy priests are especially capable dispellers, with Purify allowing them to instantly cleanse an ally of all diseases and magical afflictions.


Spell holy powerwordshield.png
Uses magic to shield allies from taking damage as well as heal their wounds.

Discipline priests are powerful healers, choosing to focus on absorbing damage with Power Word: Shield, Divine Aegis and Spirit Shell - improved by the Discipline mastery Shield Discipline - as well as mitigating damage with Power Word: Barrier and Pain Suppression. As well as preventing and reversing damage, Discipline priests can also heal through dealing damage, thanks to Atonement. Discipline also have some useful utilities such as Archangel, Inner Focus and Borrowed Time. The signature Discipline ability is Penance, launching a volley of Holy Light to heal an ally, damage an enemy, or both (with Atonement).

The combination of strong cooldowns and a focus on preemptive healing tends to make Discipline priests the preferred healing option for PvP. Their Power Word: Shield is improved in multiple ways, becoming an efficient and powerful protection option, with effects like Divine Insight also making it available more often. Discipline priests anticipating incoming damage can stack protection with effects such as Divine Aegis, Spirit Shell and Pain Suppression, allowing them to protect their allies even when incapacitated, while Atonement offers highly efficient healing, and can be useful when healing is not too critical, conserving mana and contributing to damage-dealing. Discipline priests are capable of healing multiple targets, but excel at keeping single targets alive through the most brutal of onslaughts.


Spell holy guardianspirit.png
A versatile healer who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal from beyond the grave.

Holy priests are some of the most versatile healers, with a variety of tools to sustain their group. In comparison to the Discipline priest, the Holy priest focuses primarily on reactive healing rather than damage prevention, with their mastery Echo of Light granting healed targets a heal over time effect based on the initial heal. Key to Holy priests' versatility is their use of different Chakras to focus on the demands of the current situation: Chakra: Serenity favours single-target healing, while Chakra: Sanctuary benefits multiple target and AoE healing, and Chakra: Chastise is very useful for dealing damage. Each Chakra state also grants the priest a new ability: Holy Word: Serenity is a powerful instant heal, Holy Word: Sanctuary an AoE heal over time effect, and Holy Word: Chastise is useful for dealing damage and disorienting targets.

Holy priests also have some of the most interesting and unusual healing options in the game. Lightwell offers players a powerful self-service healing option, which can be converted with Glyph of Lightspring to dispense itself. Circle of Healing is an instant multi-target smart-heal. Guardian Spirit is an extremely powerful buff capable of saving a target from certain death. Holy priests can even heal from beyond the grave with Spirit of Redemption - for a limited time. In comparison to Discipline priests, Holy priests tend to focus more on direct healing, as well as healing over time with Divine Hymn, Holy Word: Sanctuary and multiple improvements to Renew.


Spell shadow shadowwordpain.png
Uses sinister Shadow magic, especially damage-over-time spells, to eradicate enemies.

Shadow priests are born damage-dealers. The signature Shadowform increases Shadow priests' damage and increases survivability, while increasing the spell haste of their whole party. Shadow priests tend to focus on afflicting targets with the damage over time effects Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch, the latter also serving to regenerate the priest's mana. The usual Shadow priest rotation involves a mixture of DoTs and direct damage using the potent Mind Blast, filling the gaps with their signature "face-melter" Mind Flay, contributing additional damage and snaring their victims. Shadow priests gain the secondary resource Shadow Orbs, and once generated can use these to unleash a Devouring Plague upon their enemies - dealing damage and healing the priest - or shock their minds with a Psychic Horror, horrifying and disarming them. Shadow Orbs can be generated through Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death, which Shadow priests are able to use more often than their less shadowy brethren.

Shadow priests also excel at crowd control. While all priests are capable of inspiring fear and terror in their enemies through Psychic Scream and Psyfiend, Shadow priests can also horrify targets with Psychic Horror and silence casters with Silence, with the former being especially useful against melee types, and the latter against casters. In the hands of a skilled Shadow priest, these abilities can be combined to provide windows of opportunity that can prove fatal to even the most battle-hardened healer. Shadow priests also have a powerful survival and mana regeneration ability in Dispersion, and can convert their damage into healing through Vampiric Embrace.

Shadow priests tend to focus on damage over time, improved by the Shadow mastery Shadowy Recall. This approach allows them to deal damage simultaneously to multiple targets, and to continue dealing damage even while the priest is incapacitated or hidden out of line of sight. However, in situations where there isn't sufficient time to build a full array of DoTs, Shadow priests can use Mind Spike and Mind Blast to quickly burn targets down. While dedicated damage dealers, when need be Shadow priests are also capable off-healers, with the unexpected healing or shielding of an attentive Shadow priest potentially saving the day. While direct healing requires priests to drop out of Shadowform, Glyph of Dark Binding can allow them to contribute healing both for themselves and others.


The priest prestige class was eliminated from the World of Warcraft RPG and replaced with the priest core class.[6]


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