Джайна Праудмур

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Джайна Праудмур
Изображение для Джайна Праудмур
Звание MoPЛидер Кирин-Тора
Шаблон:WC3FT-вставка-CataПравитель Терамора
WC3RoC logo 16x32.pngПринцесса Кул Тираса, Специальный посол Кирин-Тора[1], Лидер выживших Лордеронцев[2][3]
Пол Женский
Раса Человек (Гуманоид)
Класс персонажа WC3RoC logo 16x32.png Верховный маг, Волшебница

WoW Icon 16x16.png Маг

Реакция Альянс Орда
Фракция Кирин-Тор, Армия Кирин-Тора, Альянс, Терамор, Новый совет Тирисфаля
Отношение к другим (ранее) Великий Альянс, Альянс Лордерона
Деятельность Лидер Кирин-Тора
Ранее: Правитель Терамора
Зона В разных местах
Статус Жива
Родня Даелин (отец), Дерек (брат)
Наставник(и) Антонидас
Ученик(и) Kinndy Sparkshine

"Они уже плетут заговоры. Используй свой шанс, Вариан. ты можешь покончить с Ордой."

Леди Джайна Праудмур лидер Кирин-Тора и правитель Даларана. Она является дочерью Великого Адмирала Даелина Праудмура и сестрой Дерека Праудмура. По праву наследования она является принцессой Кул Тираса, но никогда не упоминала об этом.

Джайна была одной из самых талантливых волшебниц Даларана, и любимой ученицей Верховного мага Антонидаса, правителя Кирин-Тора. В начале Третьей Войны, Антонидас отправил Джайну узнать, что происходит в северных землях Лордерона. Ее сопровождал друг детства, принц Артас Менетил. Вскоре, они узнали, что чума бушевавшая в дервенях, была магического происхождения. Джайна своими глазами увидела падение Лордерона, и по совету мистического пророка — отправилась с выжившими лордеронцами на Калимдор.

Джайна поклялась остановить Пылающий Легион любой ценой. Объединившись с силами ночных эльфов и даже с Ордой, Джайна помогла уничтожить демона Архимонда и изгнать Легион. После, она основала город Терамор, где надеялась вновь встретить силы человеческих королевств.[4]

Вскоре после падения Смертокрыла, Орда, под предводительством Вождя Гарроша Адского Крика, напал на Терамор, разрушив город. Джайне удалось бежать. После смерти Ронина во время нападения на город, и завершения пророчества сделанного магом-драконом Кориалстразом, Джайна возглавила Кирин-Тор.[5]



Местоположение Уровень Здоровье
Падение Терамора  ?? 6,978,180 - 348,909,600
Святилище Семи Звезд  ?? 279,127,200
Даларан  ?? 279,127,200
Дарнас  ?? 279,127,200
Красарангские джунгли  ?? 279,127,200
Остров Грома  ?? 279,127,200
Осада Оргриммара 92 - 93 279,127,200 - 69,781,800
Местоположение Уровень Здоровье
Терамор  ?? 279,127,200
Битва за гору Хиджал  ?? 569,100
Очищение Стратхольма 80 100,800
Ледяная Корона 80 100,800
Колизей Серебрянного Авангарда  ?? 4,505,028
Кузня Душ 80 5,040,000
Яма Сарона 80 5,040,000
Залы Отражений 80 5,040,000
Цитадель Ледяной Короны 80 5,040,000 - 8,924,800
Гора Хиджал  ?? 17,178,400

Ранние годы

Родившись до Первой Войны, Джайна Праудмур была младшим ребенком в семье Адмирала Даелина Праудмура, лорда Кул Тираса и давнего друга и союзника Лордерона и Азерота. В юные годы, Джайна была очарована рассказами о Страже Эгвинн. Когда у нее обнаружили магичекий талант, она была отправлена в Даларан, став ученицой самого Антонидаса.[6]

Из-за благородного происхождения, было неизбежно, что Джайна и принц Артас, наследник престола Лордерона, будут часто видеться. Первый раз это произошло в соборе столицы. За несколько лет они сблизились как друзья, а затем и полюбили друг друга. Кель'тас Солнечный Скиталец также был в нее влюблен, но она выбрала Артаса. Когда Артас вызвался сопроводить Джайну в Даларан, он взял ее, и отправился показать лагерь, где содержали орков. Это было их первое настоящее приключение вместе. Они были очень сильно влюблены друг в друга. Но однажды, Артас прекратил отношения с Джайной, чтобы она сосредоточилась на своем обучении, а он сам на обязательствах перед Лордероном. Она была очень расстроена этим решением, но потом согласилась, что оно было правильным. После, они решили вновь начать отношения, но вторжение Плети навсегда изменило их судьбы.[7]

Третья Война

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Артас, Джайна и Утер в Дольном Очаге.

Однажды, Антонидаса посетил загадочный Пророк, который предупредил о надвигающейся опасности, угрожающей всему Лордерону. Антонидас не послушал пророка, посчитав его сумасшедшим, но Джайна, наблюдавшая за разговором из укрытия, почувствовала великую силу Пророка и решила прислушаться к его предупреждению. Антонидас стоял на своем и вместо этого отправил Джайну на встречу к Артасу, чтобы исследовать возникновение Чумы в северной деревне Брилле.

Когда они были в Брилле, Джайна заметила множество странных вещей, таких как некроманты или мертвецы, сшитые из кусков плоти. Сражаясь с нежитью, они наткнулись на зернохранилище, в котором было зерно, зараженное Чумой. На ящиках была печать Андорала, главного поставщика зерна во всем Лордероне.

Chasing the necromancer, who was actually Kel'Thuzad, formerly a member of the Kirin Tor, to Andorhal, they found a mass of undead warriors waiting for them, but fought their way through to Kel'Thuzad, where Arthas killed him.

Jaina and Arthas made their way back to central Lordaeron, and they stopped for rest at the small town of Hearthglen. When they arrived they discovered that the plague-infected grain from Andorhal had arrived and had been distributed amongst the townsfolk. They were transforming into the undead.

Jaina reluctantly, but hastily left to find Uther for reinforcements. When she returned with the Silver Hand at her back, Hearthglen was all but destroyed, and Arthas was fighting a losing battle. With Uther's help, though, they managed to push back the undead attackers. Arthas, demoralized and horrified by overwhelming forces of undead, vowed to go to Stratholme, where he hoped to fight Mal'Ganis.

Jaina, sailing to Kalimdor.

Jaina and Uther followed him to Stratholme, but didn't arrive in time to stop the townspeople from eating the tainted grain. All three knew that the people of Stratholme would soon become undead and attack them. Arthas was in favor of slaughtering the people before their transformation to purge the town, but Uther could not condone murdering helpless people whose only crime was being infected, even if leaving them alive meant they would soon become a threat. When Uther refused to kill the civilians as Arthas ordered, Arthas renounced him, accusing him of treason. He demanded that any true to the king stay with him and see to the town's destruction. Jaina turned and followed Uther to Arthas' surprise.

Jaina and Uther returned to Stratholme's burning ruins after Arthas had finished with it. Both were appalled at what they saw. Jaina was visited by the mysterious prophet who had previously attempted to reason with both King Terenas and her mentor, Antonidas. The prophet sensed her leadership abilities and urged her to take the people she could with her to the west, fleeing Lordaeron and her home country of Kul Tiras. Many months later, Arthas and the Scourge began their invasion of Dalaran. It was at this moment, Jaina and Antonidas realized that the prophet had been right. Antonidas encouraged Jaina to take as many survivors of Lordaeron she could find and and sail west for Kalimdor. Jaina decided to follow his words, and made preparations.

At some point before leaving (but after the fall of Quel'Thalas) she tried to console Kael, who was saddened by his father?s death. Yet Kael angrily rejected her consolation, and rebuked her for favoring such a "monster"(Arthas) over him. After this, she witnessed Arthas' army approaching Dalaran. Antonidas convinced her that now is the right moment to leave Dalaran. She did so, and left Antonidas and Dalaran to its fate.[6]

Вторжение на Калимдор

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Джайна в Warcraft III.

Upon arriving at Kalimdor, Jaina found that there were orcs there. Believing the Horde to having followed them from Lordaeron, Jaina began to battle with them, and Grom Hellscream retaliated. After a disastrous battle with the Horde, Jaina set out to find somewhere where she could keep the orcs at bay. Not only was Stonetalon Peak a good defense, but also, she sensed a great power within. After being defeated while defending the mountain, Jaina led a small expedition into the mountain, with the hopes of finding some power that could help her defeat the orcs. But she sensed that they were being followed.

Upon breaching the core of the mountain, Jaina stumbled upon Thrall and Cairne. They were about to battle when they were all suddenly confronted by the Oracle, who was actually the Prophet Medivh they had met in Lordaeron. The Prophet Medivh implored them all to ally with each other, saying that they would not survive alone against the might of the Burning Legion.

Reluctantly, Jaina agreed to ally her forces with Thrall's. Jaina gave him a Soul Gem, which he used to capture Grom's essence as the invasion of Kalimdor began. Then, she helped him purge Grom of the demonic curse that had gripped him.

Jaina and Thrall continued as allies, although their forces were not very eager about it, even after Hellscream's death. They were terrorized by the undead, but also by the night elves' deadly hit-and-run attacks. Though their alliance with one another kept them alive, they were only holding on by a thread.

Finally, Thrall received a vision. Jaina followed him to where he was instructed to go, where they found the leaders of the night elves, Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. The Prophet appeared, and revealed himself to be none other than Medivh, returned to correct his mistakes of old. He implored the humans, orcs and night elves to all join forces against the Legion, or they would all fall alone. They all agreed to defend Mount Hyjal together.

Jaina used her teleportation spells to scout out the surrounding area, and found that Archimonde and his doom guard were quickly making their way up the mountain. The defenders instituted three bases going up the mountain in an effort to halt his ascent.

Jaina's base was the first in Archimonde's path, and so it was the first to go, but before he could kill her, Jaina spirited herself out of Archimonde's clutches. The next base to go was Thrall's, and Jaina used her remaining energy to teleport Thrall from his base before Archimonde destroyed him, so that they could live to fight another day.

Основание Терамора

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Following the Legion's defeat on Mount Hyjal, Jaina took her refugees to an island outpost off the eastern coast of Kalimdor, newly named Theramore.

The exact time of Theramore's founding isn't clear (sources differ as to whether it was founded before or after the Battle of Mt. Hyjal), but the role of the citadel is important in the tale of the founding of the orc nation, Durotar.

When Rexxar demanded an explanation of the humans encroaching on Durotar and the assassination attempt, Jaina denied all knowledge. When Jaina agreed to help the Mok'Nathal investigate, they discovered the accusatory outpost was under attack from naga. After an encounter with a dying marine, Jaina realized with horror that her father had decided to pay her a visit. Jaina pleaded with the Admiral to spare Rexxar, but Daelin would have none of it. Rexxar and his companions escaped, and Thrall rallied an army to push back Proudmoore's assault.

Jaina was in despair. While she felt loyalty to her father and her nation, her experience with the Scourge and the Legion convinced her that petty hatreds and vendettas such as her father's were immaterial in the grand scheme. Jaina helped the Horde gain ships from the goblins and ordered her own troops to stand down when they assaulted Theramore. Jaina's last words to her father were to ask why he didn't listen.

Круг Ненависти

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Theramore and Durotar remained at relative peace for three years, though the two former archenemies were still wary of each other. Eventually, a series of minor shipping incidents led to extreme tension between the two powers, enough so that the goblins, who controlled the region's only neutral port, complained.

Despite the tension, Thrall requested Jaina's aid in relocating a herd of thunder lizards displaced by a mysterious logging operation at Thunder Ridge. Jaina intended to relocate the lizards to a largely unpopulated region on the far side of Mulgore, but was astonished to discover that the area was magically warded to protect its single inhabitant: Aegwynn.

The former Guardian brushed off Jaina's admiration, but filled in the gaps of what had been happening amidst the tensions between Theramore and Durotar: a minor demon, Zmodlor had revived the Burning Blade clan and was playing the two powers against each other.

Файл:Джайна в комиксе.jpg
Джайна в комиксе.

Jaina and Aegwynn hastily returned to Theramore, where they discovered that Jaina's own chamberlain had been corrupted by the Burning Blade. After dealing with the turncoat, they took on Zmodlor himself. Unfortunately, the demon was backed by a small cabal of warlocks. Jaina was nearly slain by the added strain, but Aegwynn was able to use her own life-force to support her, and Jaina was able to defeat the warlocks and banish Zmodlor back to the Twisting Nether. After the crisis had passed, Jaina and Thrall set about writing a permanent non-aggression pact to ensure that the mutual distrust of their peoples' never escalated into war again.

Against all odds, Aegwynn survived, and assumed the duties left by Jaina's chamberlain.

World of Warcraft

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As the Ruler of Theramore, Jaina led the town and was found in her tower. Having joined the Stormwind Kingdom, she insisted on making a summit between Thrall and king Varian Wrynn. Varian was convinced by his son Anduin but during a journey by the sea, Varian mysteriously vanished. When an investigation about the missing king Wrynn and the Defias Brotherhood was going on, she and Tervosh helped to capture Hendel who was allied with the brotherhood. Around the time of Zul'jin's fall, Jaina was able to discover that the Defias Brotherhood who kidnapped Varian was allied with Onyxia. She immediately sent this information to Bolvar. (As of 4.0.3, she informs Varian, who no doubt would want to make an example out of the rest of them, of the connection between Defias and Onyxia.)

World of Warcraft: Комикс

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Tyrande Whisperwind told Jaina that two gladiators will be arriving soon in Theramore. Jaina was happy to see Broll much calmer now and immediately sensed a dark magic around Lo'Gosh. Jaina assisted the amnesic gladiator in remembering his true identity with the help of her chamberlain, Aegwynn. It was revealed that the gladiator is long-lost Varian Wrynn. She granted him a ship to the Eastern Kingdoms to reunite with his son and reveal traitors. She then informed King Magni about Lo'Gosh.

Days later, Lo'Gosh, Varian and their group returned to Theramore to hunt down Onyxia who kidnapped Anduin. Before leaving, Jaina led a ritual in which Lo'Gosh and Varian remembered what truly happened when Onyxia abducted Varian on his way for a meeting with Thrall. Katrana divided them creating two different Varians. Moments later, naga led by Morgala Darksquall attacked her and kidnapped both of Varians, though the one that would be later known as Lo'Gosh jumped into water, the second being ransomed. After this revelation Jaina gave them the blades Shalla'tor and Ellemayne. She then aided Varians and his comrades in the battle against Onyxia.

After Onyxia was killed, she was also the primary instigator in proposing an alliance between the humans of Stormwind and the orcs of Orgrimmar on the way back to Theramore. Varian was convinced and she travelled to Razor Hill where she met with Thrall and told him the story of Varian. The orc leader also agreed with the meeting. Jaina then returned to Theramore, prepared for the meeting, awaited and welcomed Thrall and his advisers Rehgar and Garrosh.

When Arthas killed the dream form of Ner'zhul and woke from his six-year slumber as the new Lich King, Jaina sensed that something terrible was happening.[6]

She would later become a founding member of the New Council of Tirisfal. The previously defunct organization was re-established in order to aid Med'an in combating Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer. After a series of attacks in Theramore, which were successfully repelled, Jaina alongside the other members empowered Med'an who faced off the ogre-mage. She was saddened by the death of Aegwynn and was last seen during the funeral in Deadwind Pass.

Burning Crusade

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Jaina during the battle of Mount Hyjal

When the draenei crash-landed on Azeroth, Jaina was one of the first to aid them.

Adventurers went to the Caverns of Time to experience the Battle for Mount Hyjal to assist Jaina against countless waves including Rage Winterchill and Anetheron. Afterward, she teleports away until Thrall has been assisted.

Wrath of the Lich King

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After the death of Bolvar Fordragon, King Varian Wrynn prepared the forces of the Alliance for all-out war against the Horde. Desperate to avoid a Fourth War, Jaina teleported to Orgrimmar to uncover the truth of the recent events in Northrend. There she learned from Sylvanas Windrunner that an uprising broke out and that Varimathras had taken control of the Undercity. The renegade Horde traitor, Grand Apothecary Putress, was in league with Varimarthas. Thrall assured Jaina that the Horde had no official interest in a war against the Alliance unless provoked and that he would take care of the traitor. Jaina told them that she shall deliver their explanation to Varian, but warned them that he may still pursue war as the late Highlord was like a brother to the king.

Jaina's assessment proved correct as the forces of Thrall (attempting to regain control of Undercity) and King Wrynn (hoping to reclaim it as Lordaeron for the Alliance and bring Putress to justice) clashed at Undercity. Refusing to allow the Horde and the Alliance to descend into open war, Jaina stopped the Alliance army cold (literally) and teleported them back to Stormwind.

Тайны Ульдуара

Джайна в Лиловой гостинной.

When Brann Bronzebeard learned that Yogg-Saron had escaped his ancient prison in Ulduar, Rhonin and Jaina called a conference of Alliance and Horde leaders at the Violet Citadel. As Rhonin debriefed Varian Wrynn on the situation, Jaina noticed that Thrall and Garrosh Hellscream had arrived early, and attempted to halt them before another confrontation was started. She was unable to stop Varian and Garrosh from coming to blows and King Wrynn left, refusing to work with the Horde at all after the events at the Wrathgate. Jaina wondered aloud who was left to challenge Yogg-Saron.[1]

Колизей Серебрянного Авангарда

Jaina Proudmoore at the Argent Tournament grounds.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore, accompanied by King Varian, attended the tournaments at the Crusaders' Coliseum in Icecrown, surrounded by various champions and representatives of the Alliance.

Цитадель Ледяной Короны

Залы Отражений
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Jaina in the Frozen Halls.
Jaina in the Frozen Halls as seen in game.
Файл:Jaina P.jpg
Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina later arrived at the Frozen Halls to confront the Lich King and attempt to reason with the Dark Lord, in hopes of releasing the spirit of her lost love, Arthas. She guided a small group of Alliance heroes through the halls of Icecrown Citadel and eventually arrived at the Halls of Reflection. Within the private chambers of the Lich King, Jaina and her troupe discovered Frostmourne, the blade that stole Arthas' soul and led to the fall of Lordaeron. Jaina communed with the souls stolen from Frostmourne and much to her surprise, Uther the Lightbringer appeared and told her a terrible truth. Not only did he inform her that Arthas was nothing but a small glimmer of light that stayed the Lich King's wrath, but in order to protect Azeroth, the Lich King would have to be killed and a replacement would have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Frostmourne: the blade that destroyed our kingdom...
Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Stand back! Touch that blade and your soul will be scarred for all eternity! I must attempt to commune with the spirits locked away within Frostmourne. Give me space. Back up, please.
Uther the Lightbringer says: Jaina! Could it truly be you?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Uther! Dear Uther! I... I'm so sorry.
Uther the Lightbringer says: Jaina, you haven't much time. The Lich King sees what the sword sees. He will be here shortly.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Arthas is here? Maybe I...
Uther the Lightbringer says: No, girl. Arthas is not here. Arthas is merely a presence within the Lich King's mind. A dwindling presence...
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: But Uther, if there's any hope of reaching Arthas. I... I must try.
Uther the Lightbringer says: Jaina, listen to me. You must destroy the Lich King. You cannot reason with him. He will kill you and your allies and raise you all as powerful soldiers of the Scourge.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Tell me how, Uther? How do I destroy my prince? My...
Uther the Lightbringer says: Snap out of it, girl. You must destroy the Lich King at the place where he merged with Ner'zhul - atop the spire, at the Frozen Throne. It is the only way.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: You're right, Uther. Forgive me. I... I don't know what got a hold of me. We will deliver this information to the King and the knights that battle the Scourge within Icecrown Citadel.
Uther the Lightbringer says: There is... something else that you should know about the Lich King. Control over the Scourge must never be lost. Even if you were to strike down the Lich King, another would have to take his place. For without the control of its master, the Scourge would run rampant across the world - destroying all living things.
Uther the Lightbringer says: A grand sacrifice by a noble soul...
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Who could bear such a burden?
Uther shakes his head.
Uther the Lightbringer says: I do not know, Jaina. I suspect that the piece of Arthas that might be left inside the Lich King is all that holds the Scourge from annihilating Azeroth.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Then maybe there is still hope...
The far door opens and the Lich King appears!
Uther the Lightbringer says: No, Jaina! ARRRRRRGHHHH... He... He is coming. You... You must...
The Lich King yells: SILENCE, PALADIN!
The Lich King banishes Uther to the abyss.
The Lich King yells: So you wish to commune with the dead? You shall have your wish.
The Lich King summons in Falric and Marwyn, then retraces his steps back to the north.
The Lich King yells: Falric. Marwyn. Bring their corpses to my chamber when you are through.
Marwyn yells: As you wish, my lord.
Falric yells: Soldiers of Lordaeron, rise to meet your master's call!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: You won't deny me this, Arthas! I must know... I must find out...
Jaina and Archmage Koreln run to follow the Lich King just as the door closes behind them.

Suddenly, the Lich King entered the chambers and Uther was sucked back into Frostmourne. The Lich King coldly acknowledged Jaina while removing Frostmourne from its pedestal. The Lich King summoned Falric and Marwyn, two captains Jaina fought alongside during the Third War. As The Lich King retreated to his private chambers and sicked the captains on her allies, Jaina remained determined to save Arthas and pursued him as the doors behind her closed. Following the defeat of the two captains, Jaina's allies rushed to her aid only to find her on the verge of defeat, with her former love viciously attacking her. Heartbroken and realizing that there was truly nothing left of Arthas, Jaina and her allies fled down the Hidden Passage with the Lich King in steady pursuit. As they came to a cliff, the Skybreaker flew in and rescued them at the last moment.

Падение Короля-Лича

After the Deathbringer was slain by a team of Alliance adventurers, Muradin Bronzebeard, fresh from the Gunship Battle, was unwilling to allow Varok Saurfang to retrieve his son's corpse. But when King Varian and Lady Jaina teleported to the scene, Varian ordered Muradin to step aside and let a grieving father pass, to which Jaina burst into tears out of respect for her King.

Should an adventurer bring Jaina's Locket to her following the Lich King's defeat, she weeps, stating that she knew there was still some part of Arthas trapped within the Lich King.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: What's this!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: He... he kept it? All this time, he kept it!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: I knew!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: I sensed a part of him still alive! Trapped... struggling... Oh, Arthas!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: Perhaps - perhaps he might someday remember what he once was.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: By the Light, may he at last find rest, free from the icy grip of that terrible blade.

Легенды: Кошмары

Шаблон:Manga-section When the Emerald Nightmare invaded the mortal realm in the form of a magical mist and trapped Azeroth's sleeping denizens in their nightmares, Jaina became one of its victims. In Jaina's nightmare, she assisted Arthas in purging of Stratholme and followed her lover Arthas and Muradin to Northrend to fight Mal'Ganis. They attacked the dreadlord and his undead army but during the battle, Muradin slipped and fell into a pit. Jaina chose to help Arthas attack the undead, while Muradin fell to his presumed death. When they defeated Mal'Ganis, they found a cave containing Frostmourne. Jaina read the warning about the blade's curse. When Arthas was about to touch the blade, Mal'Ganis attacked him. Jaina had no other option but to pick up the blade and kill the dreadlord. She saved Arthas but also became the Lich Queen.[8]

Раскол: Прелюдия к Катаклизму

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Jaina attended a memorial ceremony in Stormwind that honored those that died in the War against the Lich King. During which a report arrived of a brutal attack on a night elf caravan by supposed Horde members. King Varian Wrynn was considering violent action in response to the mounting tensions between the Alliance and the Horde. Jaina was able to persuade Varian to stay his hand and pursue diplomatic measures first by reminding him that even he could not control his own people as evidenced by the Defias; though Varian subsequently reminded her that she has a penchant of putting her trust in the wrong people as evidenced by Arthas. It seems that Jaina knows, or at least heard some rumors, about the fate of Bolvar Fordragon atop the Icecrown. After this, Jaina went to Anduin, whom Varian gave her permission to look after in his absence, and gave him a hearthstone which was connected to Theramore.

After this, Jaina secretly met with Warchief Thrall to garner an explanation for this blatant violation of their peace treaty agreement. Thrall explained that he did not authorize this attack and he has been given demands by King Varian to condemn the attack publicly, turn in all violators over to the Alliance for justice, and to show good faith that the Horde was willing to continue peaceful relations with the Alliance. Thrall was only willing to declare his intention to continue honoring the peace treaty but refused to publicly condemn the attack as rebuking the pragmatism of staying alive, even with violent measures which he disliked, when the Alliance purposely cut off all trade with them and are causing them much suffering would be too cruel an attack on his people's identity. Nor was he willing to send violators over to the Alliance for judgment. Though Jaina understood the position Thrall was in, she none the less urged Thrall to find a way to meet the Alliance's demands as his noncooperation was only pushing the Alliance and Horde to all out war.

Anduin indeed used the hearthstone when he wanted to visit his "auntie" Jaina in time when she got back from meeting Thrall and later when Moira Thaurissan took over Ironforge. Also, before Moira?s rise to power, Jaina attended the funeral of the late King Magni Bronzebeard.

Later on she provided sanctuary to the exiled Baine Bloodhoof, who was seeking aid against the Grimtotem clan. Magatha Grimtotem orchestrated the death of his father, Cairne Bloodhoof, and has seized control of Thunderbluff. Sympathizing with Baine and impressed by his budding friendship with her ward, Prince Anduin Wrynn, Jaina agreed to fund Baine's rebellion with untraceable Theramore gold. Anduin learned from Jaina that Varian is taking SI:7 agents to assassinate Moira and liberate Ironforge. After a long conversation, Anduin convinced her to create a portal to Ironforge so that he could dissuade Varian from that course of action.


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She was present at the Elemental Unrest meeting. During the Elemental Invasion, Jaina protected the Mage Quarter from the Elements.

Since Warchief Garrosh wants to defeat the night elves and conquer the whole of Kalimdor under the banner of the Horde, offensives into the Southern Barrens have been sent in response and secured territory once belonging to the Horde for Varian and his allies. The humans of Theramore have sent their army and tried to establish a military line between night elf territory and Theramore.[9] Theramore had a highway constructed that connects Theramore to Dustwallow Marsh; allowing the Alliance to move more quickly and send supplies and troops from Theramore to Alliance military bases in the Southern Barrens. After the Horde's surprise invasion of Ashenvale, Alliance forces streamed out of Theramore to attack the Barrens.[5]

During the assault into the Firelands, Jaina travelled to Mount Hyjal to witness Thrall and Aggra become life-mates.

Волчье сердце

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Though Jaina would rather come to Darnassus' meeting, she chose to stay in Theramore in order to continue organizing Alliance forces. In her stead came Archmage Tervosh.

Кровь отцов наших

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As the leader of Theramore Isle, Jaina was part of the Honor Delegation coming to the Stormwind for a meeting. She greeted Baron Lescovar who was drunk and called her an orc lover. Jaina continues trying to dissuade King Varian Wrynn from his unbending stance against the Horde. Despite differences in opinions, Jaina had always been King Wrynn's ally, if not his staunchest supporter. She continues to counsel the king on not only matters of state but also matters of the heart; most notably his turbulent relationship with his son, Anduin. When Varian was about to give a speech at the Remembrance Ceremony, he was missing and Jaina with Matthias Shaw and Jonathan Marcus went to look for him. She found him dying at Stormwind cemetery but Anduin healed him. Jaina then accompanied Anduin and all the guests to hear Varian's speech.

Джайна Праудмур: Приливы Войны

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After the red comes the silver,
She who was golden and bright;
The Proud Lady humbled and bitter,
Shall now turn her thoughts to the fight.

Saphire to diamond she gleams now,
The Kirin Tor leader who comes,
"Queen" of a kingdom now fallen,
Marching to war's martial drums.

Be ye warned - the tides of war
At last shall break upon the shore.

Krasus' prophecy[5]

After the death of Deathwing, Jaina became concerned with the current situation between the Horde and the Alliance. Jaina spoke with Anduin through a magical mirror as she was preparing to set out to meet Thrall to discuss solutions for the rising conflict between their two factions. Her "nephew" Anduin Wrynn, is the only one to figure out the secret meetings she has been having with the former Horde warchief, and since then, she has taken more measures to make sure her meetings were more discreet. Jaina went to Tidefury Cove where she met Thrall and tried to convince him to do something about Garrosh, who's warmongering was pushing the Alliance and Horde to all out war. Thrall, now going by the name Go'el, was set on his new path and could not abandon the work he and the Earthen Ring were doing to heal the damage the Cataclysm has wrought unto Azeroth. Even so, Jaina is convinced that if they hesitate any longer, war will ensue and many innocents will suffer the price.

Later on, Jaina returned to Theramore where her new teenage apprentice, Kinndy Sparkshine was waiting for her. Jaina had a meeting with Rhonin back when Deathwing lived. The leader of the Kirin Tor wanted her to take Kinndy to Theramore as her new apprentice so that a new generation could benefit from Jaina's experience. Later on, Kalecgos visited Theramore to enlist Jaina's aid in looking for the missing Focusing Iris; to which Jaina agreed to help him with this important endeavor. Jaina's advisers: Archmage Tervosh, night elf bodyguard Pained and Kinndy, were all tasked to gain any information about the artifact. As the days passed, Jaina and Kalec grew closer as they began talking about their past, loves, and hurts. In that moment, Pained learned that the Horde is regrouping near Northwatch and sent a word to Jaina. Now, Jaina had two problems: the search for the Focusing Iris and the Horde's bid for expansionism. Though she feared that Northwatch would fall to the Horde's expansionism, she believed that finding the Focusing Iris took precedence. Eventually, she and Kalec were successful in understanding why Kalec could not sense the Iris: the perpetrators were using transformation spells to masquerade it and hide its presence from Kalec's senses.

When the tauren Longwalker Perith Stormhoof arrived at Theramore, he delivered the Fearbreaker as a token of Baine's goodwill to Jaina and to vouch for Perith's honesty. He told her about the fall of Northwatch Hold, about Garrosh's plan of conquering the whole of Kalimdor, and that the Horde was intent on marching upon Theramore. Jaina ensured Perith that the Fearbreaker would be delivered to Anduin as Baine requested and gave him a note to ensure he could leave Alliance territory unharmed for his warning. After Perith left the city, Jaina and her advisors started preparing for war. Kalecgos returned to Theramore and decided to stay and help Jaina defend her city. Jaina began contacting all the allies she can to help defend Theramore, including King Varian Wrynn and other leaders of the Alliance.

A few days later, Horde war ships were sighted on the borders of Alliance waters. Kinndy, Tervosh, Pained and Kalecgos convinced Jaina to ask for help from Rhonin and the Kirin Tor. Rhonin told her that he alone could not make such a decision, and thus Jaina had to convince the Council of Six to help her. After much discussion, the Council of Six agreed to lend the Kirin Tor's aid to Theramore in the hopes that their presence will act as a deterrent; reasoning that doing nothing would be tacit support of Garrosh's war.

Baine's warning allowed Jaina time to call on allies to defend the island nation. Among them were some of the Kirin Tor's most formidable mages, a contingent of Sha'tari forces,[10] and many of the Alliance's best generals and soldiers had also arrived to help defend the city. The defense of Theramore is ill-fated: though the Horde's initial attack on Theramore was repelled, it was revealed that the entire ordeal had been a feint attack, in order to gather the best and brightest of the Alliance in one place, and then annihilate them with a Focusing Iris-empowered mana bomb. The Alliance discover this too late, and the nation of Theramore was utterly obliterated. Jaina and a few Alliance comrades barely survived, thanks to Rhonin who ordered them into a portal just before the mana bomb hit, sheltering them from the blast.

Jaina on the cover of Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War.

When Jaina awakens, she finds herself radiating with arcane energy and nearly all of her once fair hair turned to moonlight white. Despite Kalec pleading her to not go back right away, as he knew no one could have survived the blast, the shellshocked Jaina does so anyway. Jaina is horrified by the loss of all she had worked for, and the deaths of her friends and people. She then came across the corpse of Kinndy; when she touched her shoulder to turn the body over, the young gnome's body, infused with arcane energy, crumbled into violet dust. It was at this moment, losing someone so bright and full of promise, that made Jaina snap.

Filled with cold fury and rage, Jaina exacted revenge on the Horde that stayed behind to loot the ruins and dared to attack her. Not caring to think about the moral consequences, she climbed down the into the crater where the Focusing Iris lay and hid it, so that she could use it against the Horde. Later on, she travels to Stormwind and then Dalaran to gain their support for an immediate and brutal counterattack. King Varian is wary of simply attacking Orgrimmar head on with their recent losses, and instead advises caution. King Varian and Prince Anduin are also against using dishonorable tactics to fight the war. The Horde in the aftermath of Theramore's fall, has set up an effective naval blockade of Kalimdor. She travels to beseech the Kirin Tor once more, and demands their aid against the Horde; she goes as far as recommending that Dalaran be transported above Orgrimmar and rain destruction down on the city. Though committed to making sure Garrosh Hellscream will answer for Rhonin's death, the Kirin Tor are unwilling to give Jaina their support to destroy Orgrimmar: having just lost their leader as a result of getting involved in the war and their belief that Jaina's plans could lead to the deaths of many innocents who had nothing to do with the bombing of Theramore. While the Alliance regrouped to rebuild their fleet and counterattack the Horde, Jaina was too impatient to work with the Alliance and instead went to fight the Horde using her own methods. While in Dalaran after being turned down, she searches for information, and finds a rare tome in the main library, The Sixth Element: Additional Methods of Arcane Augmentation and Manipulation, which she realizes had been found and warded shut by her mentor Antonidas. Consumed with revenge, Jaina's mind rationalizes that his seal is some sort of sign that he would have blessed her endeavor. She carefully broke the seal so that it would not set off the magical security alarms and discovered that the author theorized that the arcane was like an element, and that the Focusing Iris had been used once to enslave and control elementals.

After taking a ship from Ratchet and securing Fray Island, Jaina eventually poises herself to destroy Orgrimmar in retaliation with the stolen Focusing Iris by using it to summon a massive tidal wave's worth of water elementals to drown the city's citizens. Having been begged for help by the elements beforehand, Thrall barely arrived in time and tried to dissuade her from committing the horrific act, but Jaina ignored his pleas. She sent the elemental wave on its way and it is all he can do just to stalemate her water with the help of the wind; he quickly realizes that it is a wonder that he is able to keep the water back at all. Enraged, Jaina attempts to kill Thrall with an arcane blast; he manages to deflect a fireball and cleverly uses the wave itself to duck under a pillar of fire, but doing all this, while holding back the wave and trying to talk Jaina down takes its toll. Thrall is forced to pour all of himself into the wind, with nothing left to protect himself with. Kalecgos arrived, preventing Jaina from killing Thrall, and tried to reason with her. He told her that he knew what loss felt like (due to losing Anveena Teague), but that revenge will not bring them back, and one can heal as long as they don't do something so horrible that they can't take back. Thrall adds that using the Iris in a way that Garrosh, a thief, coward and butcher also had would cast her in the same light as well, and if she wanted that.

When Jaina said she did what she knew to be right, Kalec bluntly reminded her that Arthas had believed the same thing when he carried out the culling of Stratholme and pleaded with her not to stoop to the same level, saying that even Arthas had not reacted with such hatred. Jaina considered Kalec's words, and was horrified to realize that not only was her behavior similar to Arthas, but that her intended actions were nearly identical to what Garrosh and the Twilight Hammer had done with the Iris. Jaina finally realized what she had become, and dispelled the tsunami, saying that while she would fight Garrosh's Horde, she would not murder civillians. She told Thrall that peace might be possible when Garrosh was removed, but not a moment before. With everything that's happened, they need no words between them to know: they are both saddened to recognize that their friendship is yet another casualty of Garrosh's brutality, and that it would be a long, long time—-if ever—-before she could call Thrall "friend" again.

Asking Kalecgos to fly her and the Iris over the Horde capital, they can see the Horde's enthralled krakens nearly annihilating the Alliance fleet, which was sent to besiege Bladefist Bay and eventually Orgrimmar. Jaina, unaware of the change in battle plans, was horrified to realize that if Thrall and Kalec hadn't stopped her, she would have destroyed the entire Alliance fleet as well. She uses the Iris to summon an army of water elementals to save the fleet. With the fleet rescued, Jaina and the Alliance fleet remnants sailed to Northwatch Hold, routing any Horde presence in that area and reclaiming the ruined Alliance outpost, thus ending the Horde's blockade of Kalimdor. With Northwatch secured, Varian sends an Alliance ship to Theramore to give those who died a proper burial.

Kalecgos takes Jaina back to the ruins of Theramore for closure, and to her amazement, they come across Fearbreaker, perfectly intact despite of the bomb. Coming to grips with her grief, she sobs as Kalec comforts her. As they talk, he helps her to realize that she wishes to return to Dalaran and the Kirin Tor, remembering that Rhonin had told her that she was its' future. Acknowledging their feelings for each other, Kalec kisses Jaina, formally beginning a relationship.

Meeting with the remaining members of the Six, Jaina hands over the tome she stole, explaining what she did and its' role with the Focusing Iris. Kalec, as leader of the blue flight, unexpectedly donates the Iris to the Kirin Tor for safe-keeping. Jaina makes her formal request to return to the Kirin Tor as a novice member, which they turn down... because they wish her to take Rhonin's place as leader instead. Khadgar explains that Vereesa found a box that contained secret scrolls of prophecy written by Korialstrasz, one of which perfectly describes Jaina as she is now and the events that had just affected her. In the aftermath of all that had occurred, Jaina's restraint in the face of despair has shown them much of her character. Jaina points out that she needed help and part of the thanks goes to Kalec, and so Khadgar extends an invitation to the former Aspect to join the Kirin Tor himself.

After seeing to the new mass grave outside Theramore as the Kirin Tor's new leader, Jaina, with Kalec by her side, presided over her predecessor's memorial service at the Violet Citadel.

Падение Терамора

Jaina's new apparence shortly after the explosion

Jaina is a key part of the Alliance side of the scenario Theramore's Fall, which takes place in-game concurrent to the events of Tides of War and following the destruction of Theramore by Garrosh.

At the center crater of her ruined city, Jaina attunes to the Focusing Iris before transport while Alliance agents, aided by three water elementals she summons, eliminate the remainder of the Horde's forces, including Warlord Rok'nah, but does not seem to actually take part in the battle herself, as described in the novel.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: All of you have my deepest thanks. With the Focusing Iris removed, this lifeless bomb is a sickening testament to Garrosh's brutality. The winds of change blow fiercely; Azeroth is now on the brink of war. My apologies, but you must excuse me... I have much to consider. Farewell.


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Jaina talking with Kalecgos about power in Dalaran.
Jaina refusing to abandon the neutrality of the Kirin Tor
Jaina and Aethas
Jaina and her elementals patrol the streets of Dalaran.
Jaina explains what happened in Dalaran.

Jaina, as the leader of the Kirin Tor, was present during the Alliance meeting in the Shrine of Seven Stars, where the Alliance dignitaries and allies discussed the pros and cons of using Sha power. She remained silent in her opinion but did restrain the Sha when it physically manifested into an Echo of Hatred.

King Varian Wrynn sent Anduin Wrynn and an Alliance adventurer to negotiate with Jaina Proudmoore the withdrawal of blood elves from Dalaran as the Sunreavers claim fealty to the Horde and represent a major threat to the war effort. Jaina Proudmoore refused, citing a desire to maintain Dalaran's neutrality. Her reason being that despite her disdain for Garrosh, Dalaran could serve as a beacon of hope for peace. By showing the world that both Alliance and Horde can trust each other and work together in their city, the world would be able to believe that they could eventually be above the war. She and Anduin talked, and Jaina admitted that she was not proud of how she had planned to wipe out Orgrimmar. She stated that the Kirin Tor has a legacy of abuse and though members of the Kirin Tor have loyalties to both the Alliance and Horde, she hopes that they can trust each other to remain united in their mission to use power responsibly, despite if it conflicts with their faction's agenda. She later assists the night elves by increasing Darnassus' magical defenses in order to prevent Garrosh from obtaining the Divine Bell.

Despite their best efforts, the Horde successfully snuck into Darnassus and stole the Divine Bell. Jaina returned to Darnassus and while trying to discover how her shields failed, found evidence that implicated someone familiar with the Kirin Tor and the Dalaran portal network to aid in the theft. Furious at this betrayal, Jaina mobilized the Kirin Tor, Alliance forces, and the Silver Covenant to purge the Sunreavers from Dalaran. After a brief confrontation with Aethas Sunreaver, Jaina chose to incarcerate them. Those that surrendered were imprisoned in the Violet Hold while those that resisted were put to the sword. After the purge, Jaina reported to King Varian that Dalaran was free of Horde interference and pledged the Kirin Tor to the Alliance. Varian was disappointed that Jaina had not conferred with him before she acted as he had been in secret talks with the blood elves to bring them back into the Alliance. Her attack on the Sunreavers would consequently drive the sin'dorei back to the Horde. Jaina is unapologetic as the Sunreavers brought the expulsion on themselves. Jaina also calls Varian's diplomatic endeavors with the blood elves foolish as she now believes that "once Horde, always Horde." Varian stressed to her that the Alliance must act as one. Jaina told Varian to not "go soft" before leaving to prepare the Kirin Tor for war.

Later on, Varian discovered that Prince Anduin Wrynn and an Alliance champion went out on their own to stop Garrosh from using the Divine Bell. Though Anduin succeeded in stopping Garrosh and destroying the Divine Bell, it came at a great cost: Garrosh had assaulted Anduin and left him badly injured. Varian regretted not having sent Anduin to Stormwind immediately and ordered for Velen to be sent to him at once. Varian then mournfully tended to his son while Jaina Proudmoore, furious at the assault, swore to Varian that the Kirin Tor would make Garrosh pay and promptly teleported out.

Рассвет Аспектов

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Some time later, Kalec returned to the Nexus though still kept up his relationship with Jaina. Unbeknownst to Jaina, Kalec had found a strange artifact that was torturing him with visions of a prehistoric Azeroth. He often subconsciously contacted her during his mental battles with the visions, causing Jaina to respond and Kalec to think she was the one contacting him in the first place. Jaina expressed concern over Kalec's health, and also stated she had to do some things that she wasn't proud of, but were necessary.

Властелин Грома

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Jaina founded the Kirin Tor Offensive not only to defeat the emerging threat of a resurrected Lei Shen but also to prevent the Horde from scavenging any remains of his power should he be defeated. Jaina entered into an alliance with the Shado-Pan who had already established themselves in the Isle of Thunder and had already begun undermining the Thunder King's forces. Jaina sent her champions to Taran Zhu as a gesture of good will and to aid in their efforts.

Eventually the Kirin Tor Offensive assaulted Shaol'mara and established Violet Rise as their base of operations.

They pressed their advantage on the Thunder King by assaulting the Emperor's Gate. With the gate destroyed, the Shado-Pan and the Kirin Tor Offensive worked together to secure the Thunder Forges and Stormsea Landing. With the weapons liberated from the Thunder Forges and the Shado-Pan keeping vigil over Stormsea Landing, Kirin Tor resources were free to press the siege elsewhere.

Jaina led the Alliance forces against Shan Bu in the final assault on the Thunder King's stronghold. She learned that a Horde force led by Lor'themar Theron, regent lord of Quel'Thalas, was also about to launch an assault on the Thunder King, though opted to deal with one problem at a time. She was particularly eager to recapture Aethas Sunreaver, though put aside this goal to fight the mogu in the courtyard.

Jaina confronting Lor'themar and Aethas.

Jaina and Lor'themar came face to face after Shan Bu was defeated. Jaina ordered Aethas to be handed over to her in return for Lor'themar's life, while Lor'themar demanded the release of the Sunreavers from the Violet Hold in return for Jaina's. As tensions rose, Taran Zhu, though gravely wounded, intervened to defuse the situation, urging Lor'themar and Jaina to break the cycle of retribution and walk away. The two eventually agreed, though Jaina made it clear that no true peace would ever be enjoyed while Garrosh Hellscream rules the Horde. To her surprise, Lor'themar responded that that was precisely why they should conserve their strength that day. Softened by Lor'themar's answer, Jaina ordered Vereesa and her forces to back down. Theron and Jaina ended their parley with courteous bows, and, thanks to Zhu's mediation, left the courtyard bloodlessly.[11]

Jaina later tasked those Alliance adventurers who had sufficiently earned her trust to assault the Thunder King's palace and use the Staff of Antonidas to absorb his power from his dais in the Pinnacle of Storms. With the Thunder King's power fused with her staff, Jaina planned to use the Thunder King's terrible power on Garrosh when the time comes.

Осада Оргриммара

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Jaina asking Varian to dismantle the Horde.

Jaina arrived alongside Lorewalker Cho and Lor'themar Theron at the Vault of Y'Shaarj after the Sha of Pride was defeated. She told the Regent Lord that she was not surprised that Garrosh's arrogance had unleashed the Sha upon the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. They also noticed that Garrosh left Gorehowl behind, and after a brief discussion Jaina sent the Alliance heroes through a portal to aid their forces besieging Orgrimmar.

Jaina and Vereesa Windrunner both accompany King Varian Wrynn's force to seize Bladefist Bay from Hellscream's forces, and takes part in the Galakras encounter. When the war moves to Underhold, Jaina assists Alliance agents in the battle against Kor'kron orcs.

In the aftermath of Garrosh's defeat, Jaina glared at the Horde and accused them of plotting against the Alliance. She urged King Varian Wrynn to seize this opportunity to conquer Orgrimmar and dismantle the Horde, though it was an opportunity he did not take.

In the aftermath, Jaina expresses to the player that King Wrynn will rue the day he allowed the Horde another Warchief and believes that they should have kept fighting. She believes that Vol'jin may one day resume a war against the Alliance a few years from now.


In Theramore, she starts the following quest:

During Landfall, she is involved in the following quests:

On the Isle of Thunder, she is involved in the following quests:


Strangers often confuse Jaina’s independence and strength of spirit for a rash personality and headstrong disposition. The truth of the matter is that she has developed an uncanny ability to read people and identify their underlying motives and intentions. She is a true champion of her people and will do anything in her power, including laying down her own life, to ensure their survival. Jaina respects life in all its forms, and will refuse to see harm come to any innocent in her presence. She prefers action over words, leading her to develop a great admiration for Thrall’s success in founding Durotar and a deep resentment of the unending, fruitless debate among the members of the High Council of Lordaeron.[источник?]

Like Thrall, Jaina is an advocate of peace and moderation between the Alliance and Horde. Before Varian's return, Jaina was arguably the de facto or informal ruler of the Alliance. Wrynn feels that the Horde cannot be trusted, and so this inevitably places him and Jaina in a position of opposition. Jaina has not confronted him about this directly, and when she has communicated with Thrall more recently, she has generally been seen doing so in secret.[источник?]

After the fall of Theramore to Garrosh's mana bomb, Jaina became deeply affected by the trauma of the event. For a time she believed that her father had been right, snapping out of it only after Kalec forced her to acknowledge that her anger was making her act exactly like Arthas had been. Though still strong and independent, she is no longer as friendly or as trusting as she once was, especially to the Horde. Jaina has become committed to removing Garrosh from power. Though the initial rage she showed was a side-effect of the bomb, she is much less tolerant of orcs now (though she no longer possesses the desire to kill them all, and realizes that not all of them are like Garrosh) and has ceased her friendship with Thrall, citing him as the root cause of Theramore's destruction as he placed Garrosh in power in the first place. In spite of this, she admitted that peace may be possible if Garrosh is removed, and admitted that she wished she had parted with Thrall on better terms, implying that it may be possible to mend fences later on. She also felt guilt for planning to wipe out Orgrimmar but still firmly believes that Horde power, aggression, and influence should be checked. Jaina is more bellicose now and will not hesitate to act militantly to those who threaten the security of her people or undermine peace (although she draws the line at killing non combatants).

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Life on Theramore Isle is fairly insular, but Jaina welcomes visitors with warm lodging and hearty meals in exchange for stories about the outside world. Her people are simple, with most spending their days as kelp farmers or fishermen. In exchange for information or artifacts that might improve the lives of her people, Jaina has been known to provide arcane assistance to visitors, including occasionally teleporting travelers great distances, summoning elementals to guide them on their journeys or warding them with enchantments. In the event that her people are faced with a dire threat, Jaina will voluntarily accompany or aid adventurers who share her goal of protecting Theramore Isle.[12][13]

Against mortal foes, Jaina is merciful and tries to capture or force a surrender. Against demons and undead, Jaina is ruthless and uses her spells to their maximum potential for damage. She prefers to remain at great range.[13]



Jaina first met with Kalecgos when he was searching for the stolen Focusing Iris. During that time, they quickly became friends while they talked about their pasts, finding out that they share the same pain of losing someone they loved. As soon as Kalecgos left, Jaina began to realize that she missed him. When Jaina was about to flood Origrimmar in retaliation for the destruction of Theramore, Kalecgos was the only one able to calm her down, reminding her that she wouldn't stoop as low as Arthas during his culling of Stratholme. After Jaina became leader of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran, she and Kalec began a romance.[5]


She and Arthas came to share a strong friendship that lead to very serious romance. But initially, their duties to Dalaran and Lordaeron forced them to put things on hold for a time. When they attempted to rekindle, the Scourge invasion got in the way. Their relationship is shown in the novel Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. It is also shown that Jaina was still haunted by Arthas' descending to darkness, thinking it was her fault. In addition, nightmare caused by the Emerald Nightmare, Jaina dreams what would happen if she followed Arthas to Northrend and ends up becoming the Lich Queen in order to prevent Arthas from taking up the accursed blade.[14] In the quest Frostmourne, it was hinted that she had not give up her love for him. In Twilight of the Aspects, an alternate timeline was shown that Arthas, along with Jaina, were forced from Lordaeron to Stormwind. It was then said that they had a son named Uther Menethil, which seems to prove that if Arthas had never fallen into madness, Jaina would have remained by his side.


After Jaina and Thrall's armies were forced to work together after the meeting with Medivh, the two leaders soon became good friends. Thrall once stated that Jaina reminded him strongly of Taretha Foxton, but Jaina herself made no specific reason for her to trust Thrall. Their friendship was nonetheless strong, even having endured the battle of Durotar, which cost Jaina her father and Thrall many of his warriors. However, ever since Garrosh's assault on Theramore that ended in the city's obliteration, Jaina's friendship with Thrall has been severely tested as she blames him for putting Garrosh in power, which subsequently leads to the current events.

Initially, a number of fans had speculated that Thrall and Jaina would be romantically involved at some point, but that proved to be false as Thrall developed a romantic relationship with a Mag'har orc named Aggra in Cataclysm. When Thrall and Aggra became life-mates, Jaina started crying with joy. Despite this, the decoded message from a White Punch Card drop that reads "Thrall and Jaina sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" became an in-game joke to fans.


It would appear that Kael'thas fell in love with her during Jaina's training with Antonidas, but their differences in their age (she was a teenager and he was several centuries old) filled him with guilt and self-doubt. When he eventually did approach her, she was at such a juncture that her studies came first.


Джайна появлялась в многочисленных местах по всему Азероту:

WoW Icon 16x16.png Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для World of Warcraft.
TBC Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для The Burning Crusade.
WotLK Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Wrath of the Lich King.
Cata Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Cataclysm.
MoP Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Mists of Pandaria.


  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore is a skilled practitioner of transmutation magic. She has developed a powerful variation of the popular mass-teleport spell that is capable of moving a significant percentage of her army with minimal effort. This spell helps make her extremely unpredictable on the battlefield.
  • Jaina currently carries the Staff of Antonidas - a gift from her late mentor.[15]
  • Jaina previously owned Halion, Staff of Forgotten Love, but it was taken by the Scourge at some point.[16]
  • Jaina is voiced by in Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft. She is voiced by an unknown actress in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and by in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King and subsequent appearances.
  • Both Arthas and Thrall compared Jaina to Taretha. Kalecgos has compared her to Anveena, at least in physical appearance.
  • In the world where Thrall died as an infant and Aedelas Blackmoore conquered Lordaeron, Arthas and Jaina fled to Stormwind and married. They had a sole son, Uther Menethil.
  • In the novel The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, Anduin Wrynn notes that Jaina's favorite snack are Dalaran Sharp and sliced apples.
  • In the novel Stormrage, Jaina acted in Varian's nightmare. Varian saw her alongside many shapes of Tiffins and Anduins atop the wall of Stormwind. Her expression was dire, a thing caught between horror and death.
  • Jaina is presented as a Echo in the possible future.
  • Jaina is supposedly wearing the clothes from Warcraft 3 except the hood and the cape.
  • In the Frozen Halls encounter, Jaina refers to Frostmourne as "the blade that destroyed our kingdom". This could suggest that she thought of Lordaeron as her kingdom, possibly due to her relationship with Arthas and her involvement in many of Lordaeron's matters.


Warcraft III

Основная статья: Quotes of Warcraft III/Human Alliance#Jaina


I welcome you to Theramore, <name>.

I apologize for being abrupt and not having a lot of time to exchange pleasantries, but my city must come first. Too many things threaten our way of life and the sanctity of the Alliance. I must stay ever vigilant against forces outside of our control if I'm to ensure my people remain safe and happy.

Perhaps we'll have more time to speak later.

  • You asked for it.
  • I hate resorting to violence!
  • Welcome to Theramore. Have you come to help the Alliance?
  • All I ever wanted was to study.
  • Shh, I'm trying to think here.

These lines were removed with the destruction of Theramore in 5.0.4. All but the "Welcome to Theramore" line came from Warcraft III.

После падения Терамора

MoP Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Mists of Pandaria.
  • The Alliance needs heroes like you more than ever.
  • What knowledge do you seek?
  • Peace is not always the answer.
  • Question everything.
  • Stop wasting my time!
  • Would you prefer life as a sheep?
  • It's about to get very cold.
  • Goodbye.
  • Remember Theramore.
  • Never temper your passion.
  • May magic protect you.

В Пандарии

MoP Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Mists of Pandaria.
  • The Kirin Tor is at a crossroads.
  • Magic must be control, or it will control you.
  • Seek knowledge, not power.
  • Keep your mind open.
  • Shh...I'm trying to think here...

Чистка Даларана

MoP Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Mists of Pandaria.
  • Have you come to help the Alliance?
  • Be careful who you trust.
  • Knowledge is power!
  • We must never forget Theramore!
  • For the Alliance!

Битва за гору Хиджал

  • Stay alert! Another wave approaches.
  • I'm in jeopardy, help me if you can!
  • They've broken through!
  • Don't give up! We must prevail!
  • Hold them back as long as possible!
  • We must hold strong!
Bosses defeated
  • We have won valuable time. Now we must pull back!
Out of time
  • We are lost. Fall back!
  • I did... My best.

Падение Терамора

Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: This aberration destroyed... everything. Everyone.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: The Horde cannot be allowed to recover the Focusing Iris. Eliminate what remains of their forces, and I will secure the artifact.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore говорит: I must attune to the Focusing Iris before transport. Protect me!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore кричит: Your people are despicable cowards, orc. You are nothing more than rabid dogs, and you will be put down!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore кричит: You spit on mercy? Then you will have NONE. You want carnage?! Garrosh will get more blood than EVER he bargained for!




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Основательница Терамора
Правитель Терамора
Терамор разрушен
Лидер Кирин Тора и правитель Даларана

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